Chapter 29

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Two weeks Later - Sophie's POV

Two weeks. She had been sitting in this cell for two weeks! No visitors, no contact with anyone. She got food and she got water but always by way of conjurer. The cell had a small bed, a desk and a few chairs all in stark white. There was no color, just brightness all day and all night which she had begun to lose her sense of. The ability restrictor was gone, taken while she slept. And while she could use her abilities none of them did much good. On top of it all one of the walls was a one way mirror. The whole wall! So people could see her she just couldn't see them, but that didn't stop her from being weird and pulling a chair smack dab in the middle of the room and just staring out the mirror all day. At the moment she sat staring at the wall while levitating various objects around her. She decided she now hated the color white and when she eventually got out she would probably wear black to her wedding. Even her clothes displayed the wretched color, they looked like a nurse's scrubs and a new pair was always waiting for her the next day when she woke up.

She was engaged in a very heated game of throw things around the cell when the mirror suddenly became like glass and she was able to see multiple people on the other side. She was surprised but she didn't want to lose her cool so she just gave them a small smile and dropped all of the things levitating around the cell with a crash!
"Hello, Councillors." She addressed the Councillor's before her Oralie, Bronte, Alina, and Emery, completely ignoring Grady, Edaline, Biana, Fitz, and Dex. Alina looked perturbed, to say the least, and when neither Emery or Alina spoke up Bronte stepped forward with a sigh.
"We need your help, Ms. Foster." In fact, all the councilors and her friends looked desperate but she didn't really care.
"You leave me completely alone for two weeks and ignore my warnings and now all of a sudden you just want my help?" She said in a mocking tone, her eyes narrowed dangerously.
"No, I said we need your help. What you see here now. These are the remaining Councillors." He gestured around him to Oralie, Alina, and Emery. Only four of Twelve! And two of them hated her. She took a moment to collect herself then lifted her gaze back to them.
"Neverseen attacks?" When he nodded she stood, pacing back and forth by the window and twirling one of the sharp legs of the chairs that had broken when she dropped them.
"Yes and we were thinking with your...expertise you would be open to a deal." She arched an eyebrow at him.
"A deal?" She asked giving him a sidelong glare.
"Yes, we are willing to forgive your former crimes in return for your help with this problem." Sophie was flat out grinning now.
"You want me to be the leader of the rebel forces like Leia?" Bronte looked confused at her mention of Star Wars but he nodded.
"Yes we want you to help us and we don't have much time so you must come now." He sounded a bit more urgent now, as did Emery he must have detected something with his telepathy.
"I accept." As soon as the words left her mouth the glass window slid up, retracting into the ceiling. She was out in an instant, breathing in the outside air which remarkably did smell different from the filtered cell air. When she walked near, Edaline launched herself forward and wrapped her in a hug quickly joined by Grady. She was surprised to see she was the same height as Edaline, at first she was rigid having not received a hug from anyone but Keefe in over two years. When they released her Edaline offered her a black belt that held a new pair of sabers that hung from her hips instead of strapped to her back.
"Are we expecting trouble on the way out?" She asked as she belted it on. It hung at an angle like a cowboy belt over her hips.
"We are the most valuable people in the lost cities right now, we are bound to have some trouble," Alina replied bitterly.
"I know someplace we can go, lead us out of here." She replied and Alina began to take the lead when Bronte pulled her back.
"I believe I should take the lead. Inflictor remember." He said tapping his forehead as he took the lead. Sophie decided to take up the rear and drew her sword; they walked in silence until Fitz, Biana, and Dex fell back to walk with her.
"You guys had better go back, you don't have training." She said bitterly, twirling her sword in emphasis. Biana bit her lip before putting a hand on Sophie's arm,
"We missed you, Sophie." She said with a slight smile.
"You didn't come to visit while I was in there," Sophie responded, it was more of a statement than a question. Fitz glared at her then,
"You were gone for two years Sophie ,and you're mad because we didn't come to see you in prison for two weeks?" Sophie stopped in her tracks and gave him a returning glare. It was at that moment he knew he messed up. She walked a few steps closer and she could hear the sharp intake of breath from the other two.
"How about we try again with you saying 'Thank you, Sophie, for defending my family and me while we sat in our palace.' You don't get to criticize me, Fitz!" She jabbed him in the chest for good measure before turning away and catching up with the Councillors and her parents. Fitz kept his distance.

A few hallways later they found themselves in front of a large entrance. Oralie smiled giddily and rushed forward to open the door, but something seemed off. In a flash, Sophie was running forward she tackled Oralie to the ground barely dodging the arrow aimed right for the blonde councilor's head. She rolled off and charged into the shadows. The others stood stock still in their defensive positions until they heard the clashing of steel. Locked in a heated fight, Sophie was backed up from the shadows and within view of her friends. Her blade whipping around and catching her opponents again with a clang! Whoever she was fighting was stronger than her and her sword was swiftly knocked from her hand. But she wasn't done. She ducked under the blade and with a running start jumped onto the taller figures shoulders and wrapped the cloak around their neck, pulling hard. Whoever it was choked and gasped but eventually fell to the ground along with Sophie and they both landed with a thump. Breathing hard she stood and grabbed her sword turning back to her companions with a grin who was looking at her positively awestruck which only made her grin wider.
"I missed this."

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