Chapter 31

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Keefe's POV

It had actually happened, his mother now lorded over the lost cities. Hundreds of talentless, emissaries and keepers were dead or missing. The ones that were missing were his responsibility, the right hand to the leader of the Neverseen was not what he had envisioned for himself but here he was in his ginormous room with everything he could ever want because he was a "prince" He briskly paced through his room, his running his hands through his hair. It was worse today, his inflicting was always irritable and matched his emotions which is how they got him to use it. When he refused to use his inflicting they had a telepath "show" him what would happen if he didn't. Most of them involved Sophie and lots and lots of blood. But recently it had grown more violent and uncontrollable, he had hurt innocent people today when tracking down an emissary. He could still hear they're screams of fear as the green wave of energy swept the area around him, Sophie's inflicting didn't really have a color but that was just the way he presented itself. He was furious with himself,  he tried to perform missions with the least amount of pain possible but today he had inflicted on everyone within two miles except the Neverseen members who wore the ability blockers.
"Feeling blue?" A slim woman entered the room, she was small but still looked positively terrifying. Her hair was almost white with a single ice blue strand and her eyes were the lightest pale blue imaginable. It made her look particularly striking. She was his caretaker, the person there to make sure he didn't try to escape, much like Zeph had been to Sophie or so she had told him. Unlike Zeph though she didn't go by a code name she was simply Neva.
"Leave me alone Neva." He growled, hitting her with his most hateful glare.
"Oh hush, don't tell me you're thinking about your girlfriend again." She replied, giving him big doe eyes and flopping down on the bed.
"I said leave me alone." He said again more threateningly.
"You can stop that right now, we both know you're too afraid to use your abilities on me so don't pretend you're going to do anything about it." She snapped back haughtily and she was right there was nothing he could do about it. She probably sensed this change in his demeanor because she smirked slightly as she inspected her fingernails. Neva was a froster and she loved to show it off with her dyed hair and with the subtle way that she cooled down the temperature in a room.
"Anyway your mommy wants you downstairs in her "throne room" for a new mission." She continued, finally meeting his gaze. Keefe muttered a few curses under his breath, he really did not want to hurt anyone else but he and Gisela knew that he would do anything to protect Sophie.
"Oh someone's not too happy to do their part for "this glorious plan" Neva sneered, mimicking Gisela's words from the many speeches she had given to "boost morale"
"I don't want any part of this, let alone hurting innocent people. That what she had Big Boy around for." He growled back, she looked back at him with a sly smile.
"Yes but you will do what she wants, you'll put your morals and values on the line for this... Sophie? Hate to break it to you but no girl is worth that." She asked a wicked gleam in her eyes.
"Sophie is not just any girl." He replied incredulously.
"Oh yes, but you would do anything for her, yes?" She seemed to be testing him but when it came to Sophie he was blind.
"Of course..."
"Then what would you say if I told you I could give you some up to date information about your girlfriend?" She asked her eyes flashing mischievously.
"I'd tell you to give me the information," Keefe responded, his voice dangerously low.
"All information comes at a price." She traded with a delighted smile. From her emotions Keefe could tell what she meant, Neva had always shown a slight infatuation with him.
"It's just a kiss." She said innocently, but Keefe knew what it was, it was a game to break him down even further test his limits see how far he would go to protect Sophie and in the end, his protective nature won out and he found himself kissing Neva. Her kisses were nothing like Sophie's, Sophie was calm and relaxed while kissing Neva was the exact opposite. Tense. When she finally broke apart she gave him a little smile and another peck on the cheek which he recoiled from immediately.
"She's not in prison anymore." That's was all Neva said before she slipped out the door leaving Keefe standing there mortified, he was a despicable person but in just a few days with the Neverseen he found himself acting more like them, he shut off his emotions, refusing to feel. Like a drone, he completed missions without really realizing what he was doing and he was doing that now. Hiding from his emotions and mistakes and problems. Like a coward. He was a coward, he was awful. Sophie deserves someone better, Fitz wouldn't have done that. Maybe Sophie would be better off with Fitz, maybe the same way she could live without Fitz could apply to him too. Maybe she could move on, she would be better off anyway.

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