Chapter 14

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Everything moved in slow motion. Sophie was running across the street, dodging in between cars trying to get to the house. It looked like her parents weren't home as the driveway was empty, but it was past three. Amy would be home by now. The door was slightly ajar, and she heard a few loud bangs from inside. Drawing her sword Sophie charged inside, wrecking the entryway in her haphazard search. Running into the kitchen she had just enough time to stop the blade whizzing through the air at her sister neck. The sword hit hers with a resonating clang!

A black robed figure stood over her sister, their blade locked with Sophie's. She pushed them away resetting her blade.
"Amy, run get out of here!" She yelled back to her sister who was sprawled our on the floor, a nasty cut across her forehead. Amy scrambled away, looking back just in time to see the black robed figure swing their blade down in a powerful stroke only to be blocked once again by Sophie's blade.
Sophie gritted her teeth, whoever this was they were a bit stronger than her and their blade was a lot like Zeph's, wider but shorter giving Sophie the benefit of a longer blade. They parried and struck in a deadly dance. Without the blade guards their weapons zinged against each other in a harmonious melody.  As Sophie began to get the upper hand she managed to cut of a large portion of the thick black cloak, barely missing her opponents thigh. Sophie brought her rapier down in a barrage of blows each were deflected just in time to avoid a fatal hit. She had the figure pinned against a wall, with nowhere left to go she desperately deflected Sophie's blows until she slipped up and in a flash Sophie disarmed her, taking both blades in her hands this close she could tell the figure was in fact a woman with wavy red hair and electric blue eyes. The woman did something unexpected, she put her hands on the tips of the blades and before Sophie could react a shock of electricity shot through the metal sending Sophie flying in the opposite direction and straight into a glass armoire. Shards were blow in every direction and she yelped in pain when she felt a particularly large piece break off in her abdomen. A charger.
"Sophie!" Sophie heard her name but it was fuzzy and weak sounding through the ringing in her ears.
"Sophie!" Her sisters face appeared in her field of vision, she was crying. Eyes wide Sophie gripped her sisters arms.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" She yelled turning over and staggering to her feet, one arm protectively around her sister and the other holding pressure to the wound in her stomach. She faced the woman before her, she had a wicked grin on her face looking between the two sisters. Little sparks flying off her hands as she stalked closer. With great effort Sophie managed to pull one of her daggers out, it was pitifully short and she knew that the metal wouldn't do much against another electric attack.
"I've heard you name before." The woman's voice was cold and unfeeling.
"It was months ago but yours is not a common name one I would not forget, where have I heard it?" She cocked her head to the side slightly but snapped her fingers and the corners of her mouth tugged into a smile.
"Yes! it was from the boy all those months ago, a blonde, icy blue eyes." The woman had a sick look of triumph at the memory. Flashes of her time strapped to the cold table in the original hideout ripped through Sophie's mind. Keefe's silent screams as electricity coursed through his blood. This was the woman responsible for that pain. Outrage and anger flooded her mind and she lunged forward with the dagger, caught off guard and way to close to Sophie the charger didn't have time to do much and so it plunged straight into her shoulder. Sending both Sophie and the woman tumbling to the ground. The glass lodged itself deeper in Sophie's abdomen at the sudden movement and blood sprayed the immaculate white kitchen tiles. The charger was up first, taking the hilt of the dagger and pulling it from her arm as Sophie writhed on the ground, unable to move through the pain.
Dagger in hand the Charger moved closer to Amy who was huddled into the corner of the living room.
"P- please..." Amy stammered her eyes flooding with tears as the woman approached. Sophie from her position on the floor, had a full view of everything happening and so had no trouble seeing the blade of her dagger plunge into her little sisters chest.

Something snapped, in Sophie at that moment. Something shriveled up and died as she saw the spray of blood and her sisters dying screams. A scream of her own ripped through the air, along with it an a wave of unseen energy ripped through the house, shredding the wall tearing doors off the hinges and sending the black robed woman flying backwards. Through the loss, Sophie was numb to the pain as she got to her feet and approached the writhing figure on the ground. Sophie's face was coaxed into an expressionless stage as she stared down at the startling blue eyes of her sisters murderer. The charger was sobbing on the ground from various broken bones as well as from Sophie's inflicting. The bangle on her wrist sparked and fumed, unable to keep the levels of power radiating of Sophie at bay. All at once the writhing sobbing and screaming stopped, the woman just went still.

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