Chapter 37

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The vacancies were endless, most houses had been abandoned and any that had been on the market were now completely abandoned and rife with opportunity. As the leaders of the group at The Fort it fell to Sophie and Keefe (and Emery) to make the decision, they had finally narrowed it down to two. Sophie was all for the first option which had different rooms high in the branch of a colossal tree they were all connected by rope ladders and one giant room in the very center of the tree, it reminded her of when she, Zeph and Eden's time in the tree house times had been simpler then. The other choice was the one Emery was insistent on, it was a bit like Silvervale in the way that it was built into the side of a mountain apparently it was in the same human country of Russia, so they wouldn't have to change much of their daily routine when it came to outside activities. In the end Sophie had to agree that Emery's choice would offer better protection in the event of an attack, it also sported an impressive number of bedrooms and larger rooms for training, eating and the armory.

Sophie teleported the families first, giving them first choice of the biggest rooms in the house. Followed by families were single adults and then the fighters and new recruits. She and Keefe had decided it would be best for them to continue sharing a room to "Conserve space" despite there being over twenty bedrooms left after everyone was settled. Once everything was settled she called their fighters into the training hall which easily held the whole 281 of them. She, Keefe, Zeph, Tam, Fitz, Eden, Biana and even Edaline took in students, teaching them everything their gift was useful for in a fight displaying their ability in front of their students, Sophie didn't have anyone with the same ability to teach, and she didn't want to infringe on Fitz's time with his students, so she traversed the groups, sparring with the mentor to show them what a real life use of the ability would look like. Eden blocked Sophie's blade with shields, Zeph and Tam who co-taught the Shade students showed them how to disappear with the shadows and attack somewhere completely new. When she got to Keefe's station a few of them complained that being an Empath was no good in a fight, Keefe just smiled.

"Hello Foster." He didn't even look back.

"Your ability as an empath allows you to feel emotions, I could feel Sophie's love for me from a mile away and that's how I knew she was there, No one can really switch off emotions so as long as you look you can always see if someone's there. I'll tell you now it's pretty useful in a fight." He had an arm wrapped around her shoulders, most of his students looked at him dumbfounded with the realization their ability wasn't worthless. She looked around the room and all over the place things seemed to appear out of nowhere, people were vanishing, shadows writhed and moved and little multi-colored shields were cast around any loose object. She called for their attention and gestured to the many, many, many weapons against the wall. She grinned wickedly as they tentatively picked up the weapons and looked them over, these were real bladed weapons, not the training stuff they usually used. Things were getting real now, they had a shot, a shot to defend their cities and take back what had belonged to them for centuries. It was time to take back the Lost Cities, and with Sophie at the helm of the attack, she was going to make sure The Neverseen finally paid for what they had done.

The new fort because none of you party poopers wanted to give me suggestions 😜

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The new fort because none of you party poopers wanted to give me suggestions 😜

Sorry for the short chapters I'm gearing up for the good stuff!

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