Chapter 35

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Sophie sat on the bed examining her fingernails while Keefe changed behind the changing divider. Dex, Fitz, and even Tam had lent him a few outfits to try on.
He walked out wearing a blue vest and brown pants, Sophie immediately wrinkled her nose disapprovingly.
"Yeah, Dex's style can't contain my hotness." He said then turned back and changed again, returning a few minutes later wearing a completely black get up that Sophie again shook her head at, Tam's fashion did not match Keefe's... exuberance at all. The next one belonged to Fitz, it was a button-up, red with gold design and it did look the most decent except the crisp lines and fully buttoned shirt looked a bit off compared to the loose clothes he usually wore. She grimaced but reached up and unbuttoned the top two buttons.
"What is this? A man corset? No wonder Fitz always looks like a Dorito" She muttered as she fixed the shirt.
"What's a Dori-toe?" He asked, scrunching up his eyebrows in confusion. Sophie laughed and explained it was a type of human food. Keefe smiled and gesturing to her own flowy red spaghetti strap shirt and black leggings said, "At least we match." She rolled her eyes and tugged him out the door and downstairs to the dining hall.
Downstairs after grabbing a few trays of food, they sat quite comfortably with Keefe's arm around her shoulder until he went rigid and jumped away at least two feet. Sophie looked at him like he grew an extra arm but then grinned when she realized the cause. Grady had entered the dining hall. He looked around until his eyes met Sophie's and he made his way over. Keefe fidgeted slightly and you would think someone able to inflict intense pain and wield a sword like a second arm would be less afraid of someone he's seen covered in neon green feathers and dinosaur spit.
"Hello Keefe," he said with a very slight smile, Keefe gulped.
"Hello, Grady." He said, picking his words carefully.
"So... Fiancé... wedding?" Grady mused quietly, looking to Sophie who had put her head in her hands then looked back at Keefe.
"That is the plan, Dad." She responded when Keefe decided it would be a good time to forget how to speak. Grady just nodded but then broke into a smile,
"Well, I don't think you could have chosen someone better." Keefe's jaw nearly dropped at those words and he stared as Grady offered him his hand.
Confidence renewed Keefe took it but then was jerked forward slightly and his face paled when he heard something Grady said that Sophie couldn't hear. All Sophie could think of was R.I.P Keefe Sencen, he was a good man but sadly died when he tangled with the wrong overprotective father who most likely had access to some kind of bludgeon or blunt object. Grady gave Keefe one last smile before turning and walking away, a little triumphant spring in his step.
Sophie put a hand on Keefe's shoulder, breaking him out of his daze.
"Keefe! I said, 'Do you want to train with me?' " He looked a little wary but reluctantly nodded and they began the walk to the training room.
Once there Sophie tossed him a blade and he stared at it, wincing a little at the feel of it in his hand, noticing his discomfort she tapped her blade to his and it sounded in a dull thunk instead of a clang.
"Don't worry we have guards on." She said smiling encouragingly and that seemed to restore his confidence because he swung his blade up in a confident stroke only to be quickly blocked by hers. She ducked and brought her sword upwards bringing his to and rammed her shoulder into his abdomen, not too hard but enough to get him in the fighting spirit. He grinned wickedly and walked forward, flipping his blade challengingly as they circled each other, each with a predatory look in their eye. 

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