Chapter 15

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     Sophie stared down at the woman beneath her, expecting the guilt to come creeping up on her, for her mind to break at the blood on her hands. But she felt nothing towards this woman, not a single twinge of sadness or remorse. But when she turned and stumbled towards Amy's still frame, that's when the emotions flooded her system. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked down at her sister's face, her sister's familiar face now destroyed by cuts, bruises, and blood, so much blood. She could be sleeping, but sleeping people weren't coated in blood. Sleeping people didn't have a six-inch dagger protruding from her heart. And sleeping people didn't have the faint silvery lines of tears still streaking down their face as they pleaded with their sister to help them. She cradled Amy's body the same way she had cradled her all those years ago when her sister had come home from the hospital for the first time. So small and helpless, reliant on her big sister to protect her. She heard the wail of police sirens and looked down at her sister one last time before letting her go, rising into the air and teleporting away from the chaos she had wrought.

     She teleported right outside the Neverseen base, completely ready to wring Gisela's child-murdering neck, but she stopped dead in her tracks as the base came into sight over the dunes. It was covered in shadows, great rolling waves of shadow like an ocean during a storm. A single black-cloaked figure sat watching the writhing mass, a smaller figure laying down beside them. Rage overtook her. She tackled them to the ground with a roar of fury and was just about to pull out another one of her hidden daggers when her mind cleared enough to recognize Zeph's face. She stopped and scrambled off him realizing the strange position she was in.

     "Was this you?" She asked gesturing to the base. With a nod, he walked back over to the other person laying on the dunes. He touched her shoulder gently.                                                                  "They had her in the base the whole time Sophie! She was there the whole entire time!" He yelled gritting his teeth. He looked up at Sophie as a drop of blood landed in the sand next to him.

     "You're bleeding," he said staring at the wound in her abdomen.

      "I only got stabbed a little." She responded waving him off, but at exactly the same time a wave of dizziness overcame her and she fell into the sand. She heard him yelling her name but she just closed her eyes and let the pain take her. It was better unconscious anyway.

      She woke to the sound of bird calls, rather annoying when she was trying to recover from a giant shard of glass shredding her abdomen. She sat her feet on the floor with a groan, her stomach had been bandaged up but that wasn't what shocked her. She was in a treehouse. A huge treehouse, the room was circular with a small balcony over looking a picturesque lake sprawling mountains. Stiffly she stood up and saw Zeph and the girl who she assumed was Eden from his words on the dunes sitting at a small table eating a strange green tuber type thing. Making her way down the few stairs she entered the room.
"Sophie! You really shouldn't be up!" He yelled, rushing over and attempting to help her sit down but she shook him off.
"Please just don't touch me right now Zeph." She said evenly and slowly made her way to one of the chairs, hissing in pain through gritted teeth as she dropped into the seat. Eden looked her up and down looking concerned. Eden was gorgeous, all elves were pretty but Eden rivaled Biana in her looks. Her hair fell in long dark black waves that perfectly framed her face. Making her sea blue eyes pop against her light ivory skin.
"I- I wanted to thank you." Eden's voice had a faint accent not like Fitz's but a little more subtle.
"For what?" Sophie asked genuinely unsure of what Eden had to thank her for.
"Well, Zeph though he was all alone there and..." She paused and placed her hand on Zeph's "Well, you made sure he didn't loose himself in there." She turned and smiled at Sophie really beaming actually. Sophie just nodded and Zeph spoke up.
"I know about your sister, I heard when Gisela gave the order." His head was hung low as he went on, "I tried to stop her but she threatened Eden and I couldn't do it, for lashing out they decided to lock me in a cell for a while to rethink my decisions that's where I found Eden in the opposite cell from mine." Eden smiled gently at him.
"I got her out and pretty much swamped the place with shadows and everyone left. And that's when you showed up." He said looking at her sadly. Sophie just nodded at his words so he went on.
"We're at an old family house, but they never use it anymore so we should be safe here, until you're well enough to go back to your family." He said with a nod, looking out at the lake.
"I'm not going back, I have unfinished business with the Neverseen." She replied curling her fingers around her fork in a vice like grip.
"You're family will worry about you, especially the way you left things." Zeph warned, giving her a incredulous look.
"I'll tell them I'm safe but I won't let my sisters death go unavenged. You've both lost people to them, what do you say?" She looked up meeting both their gazes.
"Want to help me kill the Neverseen?"

The treehouse from lake view just a lot higher up in a much bigger tree like teleport height

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The treehouse from lake view just a lot higher up in a much bigger tree like teleport height.

Eating/lounging area

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Eating/lounging area

Eating/lounging area

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