Chapter 6

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Omg 100 reads guys!! Thanks so much, I love reading the comments you guys leave, even the ones about my editing mistakes because let's be honest... They are pretty funny.

Flashback spoilers ahead!!


Everyone was crowded onto Havenfields front lawn, Grady had just gone inside and it was clear from the crying that could be heard inside Edaline was not taking the news well, and really were any of them?
Biana didn't even bother to wipe her tears away as new ones always took their place, Dex was always an arm length away ready to comfort her if need be. Tam was obviously upset he just showed it in different ways, including wrapping himself in shadows with his head hung low. Linh stood halfway between Fitz and Tam hugging herself and staring down at the ground, Alden had gone to alert the council now not only did they have four missing Alicorns but two missing elves as well.
"We have to tell Keefe's dad." Fitz said to no one in particular but when no one moved he sighed muttering about doing it himself and light-leaped away. Biana was closer to Fitz than anyone else here, she knew a rage fit was inevitable, much like all the other times they had found themselves it a tough spot due to the Neverseen. Blindly taking out crystals they all leaped home still reeling from the loss of their leader and the one who was always there to lighten the mood. If Sophie wasn't here to lead who would? And if Keefe wasn't here who would make sure they weren't working themselves to death and feeling emotions that could very well break their mind. What would they do when the guilt finally became too much?

Lord Cassius took the news much better than Edaline had, no crying, cursing or even a faint glimmer of emotion simply a curt nod and a thoughtful gaze.
"Was Gisela there?" He seemed to have no concern for his son. And Fitz' face fixed itself into a dangerous looking scowl.
"We don't know." He responded, gritting his teeth together in anger, deciding he couldn't stomach another minute with Keefe's father Fitz turned on his heel and light leaped home.

Keefe (Neverseen Hideout)

Keefe sat against the cold wall of his cell, once again finding himself alone. She had pushed him away, she was willing to trade information just to make sure he was alright. He had kissed Sophie Foster and she had kissed back! Her emotions were all over the place in a mix of happiness but towards the end it was dread and at first he thought she would pull away and say it hadn't meant anything but she had pushed him away because it had meant something. She was protecting him, the Neverseen had found her weakness. Gently he tried to stand ignoring his aching muscles, stiffly he began pacing his cell only making a full five steps before having to turn around.
They had taken Sophie but had they only taken him because he was a witness? Or was he always a target. He stopped his pacing as a flicker of emotions appeared, it felt like pride and confidence, not Foster he decided and faced the door ready to take on the challenge.
The door slowly retracted and he sucked in a breath at the sight before him.
"Hello son." Lady Gisela practically sung stepping into the room with a flourish.
"Mother." He responded curtly, he was not in the mood for jokes no matter how out of character it seemed.
"Don't be like that darling." Lady Gisela said, her voice sickeningly sweet. "I hear about you and that Sophie girl, well done Keefe!" She continued.
"What are you talking about?" Her shot back annoyed at the turn in conversation.
"Well I was going to just take her and have you come of your own free will, much more dramatic like that but when you showed up it brought both my son and the Moonlark right to me!" She said smiling.
"Sophie was bait, for me?" Keefe asked shocked that the Neverseen wanted him more than the elf with several very powerful abilities.
"Well she's far more important than just bait. Just not in her current state." Gisela responded with a smile.
"Current state?" Keefe repeated with a glare.
"I swear if you touch her, Mother!" Keefe yelled stepping forward angrily but he stopped as a sudden pain ripped through his chest, sending him to his knees.
"You're not in any place to be making threats son, and I would suggest you rest before you hurt yourself." Gisela responded, turning on her heel and walking at the door. As the door closed he slammed his hand on the ground, he was helpless! Helpless to protect himself let alone Sophie. His dumb ability did nothing to help him.
Stewing in angst he slouched against the wall. Defeated.

Sophie (Neverseen Base)

Sophie sat against her cell wall, different from the one with the awful table and restraints, it was the exact same as Keefe's except her door opened in halves instead of thirds, she assumed it was a way of marking the different sections of the base. She pressed her lips together staring at the ground in a daze. Aside from her and Keefe being kidnapped where was Silveny and her family? Had the neverseen taken them too or was it all a big hoax to get Keefe and herself there. Looking down at the silver bangle she tried to tug it off but to no avail, maybe she could just lose a lot of weight? Or chew her hand off? She tugged at it again and let out a shocked yelp as a current of electricity ripped through her body.
"Having fun." A voice said from the doorway Sophie didn't bother to stand up when she saw lady Gisela standing in the doorway.
Sophie just glared, locking eyes with Keefe's mother, thinking how on earth did you make someone I love.
"The silent treatment I see." Well I don't need you to talk to get what I want." Lady Gisela moves to the side as two cloaked figures entered the room the shade and the charger. Sophie glared daggers at the charger but really that was all she could do. She was helpless without her abilities, she allowed herself to be escorted back into the hallway utterly defeated.

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