89th Letter: No Bad Memories For You

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January 5, 2021

Dear Future Me,

I don't think there will be happy days for me this year. I wish I could tell you all the bad things that happened and that are about to happen, but I don't want to leave any bad memories for you behind. I know it's worse for you in your time and all I can really tell you is that I hope you have the courage to stay and not run away.

It's so unfair, I know. I have dreaded our situation for so long. You know that. You also know how many times we thought of running away but we didn't do that. Or how we almost attempted to end it all but we didn't because we were scared. Maybe it was fear that saved us. But our biggest fear is yet to come and I know it's not gonna save us this time. The fire will be scarier than jumping off the burning building but I hope we won't be jumping and think of ways to face the fire in a smarter way without having to burn.

You are probably stronger now than I am. If not, don't worry I'll do my best to be endure here so you could live a better life there.

Until then, see you.


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