76th Letter: Just I-LAND Bias Changes

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July 25, 2020

Okay so here's what happened during the voting. First I was so happy because mnet let us choose 6 people instead of one and we can everyday. 

So here's what happened. The original plan didn't go well as I have expected. I know there would be a few changes once ep. 5 comes so here it is.

1.  Heeseung - never been falling out of love from this guy. He's been giving his all since the beginning of the show. I saw him shine and stand out as I followed his growth and improvement in every episode. I even saw him fall once and admired how he handled that situation perfectly. I'd like to see more of him in the future. He will always be my love at first sight and I hope he will make his way among the successful people in the industry.

"Cheers and congratulations already to you, our Ace and King, because I am very confident that you will make it to the Final 12 next week."

2. Sunoo - our Sunshine who've been fighting so hard lately. We all know ep. 5 was a complete disappointment since it was supposed to be his chance to go back to I-land but they didn't win this time. I can honestly say though, that even if the I-landers were better in the eyes of the producers, Sunoo's performance still captured me the most. Sunoo's performance still shone the most. Sunoo's voice still resonated to me the most. Sunoo's face still sparkled the most. He is very bit of happiness and joy in one body. 

"Kim Sunoo, uri Sunshine. Let's keep you shining, okay?"

3. Jake - voted for him because he has never disappointed me since the beginning of this show, not even once. I have admired his journey from I-land to Ground and back again to I-land and I know he's gonna show more of what he can do if he will make it to the Final 12.

"I believe in you Jake, our Aussie application. Keep fighting. You have my back."

4. K - he had me when they broke that dance performance. Our Japanese sweetheart who was praised by the producers the most. He stood out with that charismatic facial expression of his just like he did in Fire and I just can't help but stare in awe at his performance. As a matter of fact, he did most of the choreos so I confidently believe he is very much needed in the Final 12. He's never been out of his light yet and has always been shining since the beginning of the show, although earlier I was almost disappointed because of what he did to Jay when he decided to replace him with Sunghoon. But it was all okay because I finally understand how this I-land mechanics work and what role K is playing in it. It took me 5 episodes to finally get why K always makes me question him but still admire him and that is because he really is that good. He does things that I don't usually like or understand and I do get disappointed sometimes but now I realized he knows exactly what he is doing and he has a perception of what the result will be like, if it will turn out as good as he has expected and all he really wanted is for people to trust him because that is really what happened during their dance performance. They won because of him, because he was good and he knew it. So I guess I have to say it now because I'm confidently certain he will be standing among the Final 12: "Congratulations and Fighting!"

5. Sunghoon - our "Ice Prince" who proved his potential during their dance performance earlier. I was truly amazed by what he can do. He'd always been that guy in the corner in I-land who hadn't given much time to show more of his talents but earlier he got that chance and showed us more than he could ever do. And I truly admire him for that. He is gracefully slayin' now and I wish to see more of that side of him in the future as he stand among the the Final 12. Uri Penguin and Handsome Ice Prince, let's debut!

6. Jay - the thing is, it's a very hard decision for me to choose because as I said before, I like Seon and I promised myself his spot on my top 6 will never be taken but I'm really really sorry. I had to choose someone because there are others who deserve this spot better than him. As what the producers have said, he's been staying longer there but he never stand out. And I do agree. Erase that evil editing thing I said last time. It's not the problem. Although I do admired his journey so far in his life, I gotta admit that it's not enough to earn his spot in the final 12 because there are others as well who are as desperate as him. The only difference is that those other people have been doing their best so far while he just sits among the top people in I-land, playing it cool, acting like a leader and earning their trust so they won't vote him out. I am not saying he isn't that good because everyone is good. It's just that some other trainees especially those in the Ground have been facing mountains lately, getting scolded, crying their eyes out, failing and falling but they always have to come up with anything to get back on their feet. When I look at it closely, among the top 6 in I-land who have never been to the Ground yet, he is the only one who has never showed his full potential yet. Aside from Heesung, K and Geonu who've been shining obviously in the previous episodes, Sunghoon and Jungwon already did too in ep. 5. If we flashback those episodes, all I can really see is him playing well and holding on tight to his spot. Even when he was given the chance, he wasn't even complimented well because I really do think he only depends his survival on a game he perceived on his mind. But he's losing it. Because this is a survival show and talent is always the main thing to depend on to survive. So I'm really sorry. I have admired other trainees already especially Hanbin from the Ground, Geonu, Jungwon and Jay in I-land. Jungwon did surprised me with his dancing skills lately but I chose Jay among them because as I said last time he had that bad ass fighting spirit that made me go "Wow" and also because of what happened earlier. He always wanted to dance with K and Jungwon but K saw that Sunghoon could do it better so he got him replaced . And all that talk they made behind his back while he was so into his dance practice without knowing they've been planning to kick him out.. (one reason I was almost disappointed with K again earlier) and when they spilled it out and told him he had to step out for Sunghoon.. It was so heartbreaking to see because Jay actually cried and I have never seen him cry before but that time I think he finally reached his limit. And the worst part of it all is that he cried on K's shoulder, the guy who got him replaced, the guy who didn't believe in him. And another worst thing is (and this is probably why I adore him) he cheered so much for Sunghoon, the guy who replaced him, and even lifted him up when they won as if he is Sunghoon's number 1 fan. So all cheers to Jay because I truly admired him.

"Jay, let's get you to the Final 12."


So I guess that's it.

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