59th Letter: Peace During The Outbreak

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April 7, 2020

Dear Future Me,

It's the hard times now. The virus has spread terribly over the whole country and our island is forced to lock down. Remember when we used to imagine things like these? Or when we used to read novels with plots like these? It's happening now. Everyone's scared.

But how am I exactly?

Well the truth is, it's not so bad in our island. There isn't a confirmed case yet, and I just I hope there won't be any in the future, and everything around here is at peace. So I'm on duty every weekdays. By the way, I did managed to find a job. It's a homebased one. It doesn't pay much, but considering the crisis we are currently facing, I guess it's enough. Plus, I can save much too since there aren't any expenses and bills to pay at home.

I'm a bit busy these days. My work takes so much of my time everyday and I barely have time to wash my clothes and I had to wake up early. But I don't mind quite a bit, as long as I'm home and I could watch kdramas and sit comfortably when I'm on duty.
The only problem is, I haven't turned over few pages on the book I was supposed to finish last month. I'm stuck and it's not like I haven't got enough time. I'm just not on the right mind to read right now. No. It's not one of those dark moments again. I'm just hooked up in kdramas right now. After watching the whole season of Crash Landing and wasted so much of my tears, I just can't get enough of it. I want to feel something and I realized I've missed kdramas so much. Now that I have money, I could watch anything. And it's my precious books that suffer. I will find time to read them soon. Maybe after watching another season of Romantic Doctor or Extraordinary You. I promise, I will find time.

It's been a bit busy at home too. My mother was sick last week and I did almost all the chores. I will also find time to spend with my parents. I will watch movies with them this weekend and probably take my mother for a walk outside in the morning with Popo.

So I guess that's all you wanted to know for now. My life isn't interesting at the moment and I still feel extremely annoyed at people around me but it's life, and I don't think I ever have a choice anyway. We get to deal with people and their crap everyday but at the end of the day, we go home, enjoy a good cup of coffee, watch some dramas, eat then sleep peacefully even at times like this. Then we deal with them again the next day and the cycle just repeats. The only thing to remember is that, everyday is a step towards something.

That's all.

Love always,

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