1st Letter: When I Got Inspired By This Movie

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Written: May 31, 2019 10:43 am

Dear Future Me,

I'll send this letter to the 28 year old you.

How are you? Have you been well? Are you healthy? Wealthy? Happy? Are you in love? Married? Do you have kids now? Well, i hope not. But if you do, i hope you don't regret things you've decided for us. I hipe you're trully happy wherever you are now.
You know, we used to imagine that we won't get married until 30 and still go through the loneliness of life with a beer in hand, drinking our hearts out in our neices and nephews' birthday parties. We like to imagine that all the time. Especially right where i am now-in the past.

I haven't been old as you are. But I'm in the point of life where my youth is catching up with you. I'm in between young and old. The spirit of my youthfulness is vanishing, and it scares me. I keep getting depressed and confused. I don't know where I'm gonna go. Life is just so full of complicated roads that I'm too afraid to take.

But you, you have overcome those roads. You're 28 and i hope you're not as confused as i am right now. If you're married, i wish you all happiness. I wish your children would grow to be the persons you imagine them to be. I wish your husband loves you and you love him back. I wish the family you're building is enough to make you smile during your break-down and lonely moments. And more than that, i wish what you have is enough for you to not turn your back and run away.

You may or may not have accomplished your dreams. But you still have time. Remember that marriage or falling in love is not the end goal of being a woman. You can still dream more dreams even when you are changing diapers or feeding your children. But above all that, remember that success is not always being known to the world. Sometimes, it's just the little things you do every day with love. Like, every morning you wake up early, drink coffe, read your favorite books and then you've got and idea for a good story and you write it down and you feel satisfied. Even when the world doesn't know your stories, your talents, you can still shine with your self and with the people you love. The world doesn't deserve you, but the people you love do. You do. Write for them. Write for yourself. If that's what makes you happy. Share your stories with your family and friends. Share a lot more to your children. That's what really matters. Love the rain, love the sunshine. Love everything that makes your heart flutter. Those are your success.

I know, it sounds strange for a 20 year old for saying this to you. But this is what I'm really thinking right now. And this is the only advice i can give to you as someone who still have the heart of a child. Smile
Please don't let our lives be miserable. God, i hope it's not miserable.
I hope your not crying your eyes out for some guy who doesn't even deserve someone like you. I hope you didn't lose your talents. I hope you're still writing about the things you love, reading as many books as you can, listening to music, watching movies and kdramas that makes your heart laugh out loud, and still fangirling BTS. More than that, i hope you don't lose the things that inspire you every day. That is your whole life, my dear and it matters especially during the day you will finally die and you're thinking about all those what ifs in a hospital where you're going to die. What if i wite more about me? What if i write about that girl with magical powers? What if i watch that kdrama? What if i went to see BTS? What if i still got another day to live? But you could have the chance to do all those stuffs when you still have time! So many what ifs in a creepy hospital. Just remember that time is not really a matter of your schedules. It's now or never.

So this is where i have to go now. Until then, goodbye.

Love always,

Inspired by: Suddenly 17

P. S. Damn, that movie was good.

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