39th Letter: Being A Kpop Stan

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Dear Future Me,

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Dear Future Me,

Someone in the internet shared this. I don't really know why people think so. Maybe because kpop fandoms are way bigger than we think and can attack anybody if they want to. You know about the power of fandoms, right? You've seen ARMYs power before. How they attack people and other celebrities that seemed like a threat to BTS. How they give hate to anyone who wronged them. That's how they are. Other fandoms too. You've experienced that before, when you were misunderstood by some groups of Exo-Ls on FB. They attacked even when they didn't know anything.
Even some Armys attacked us as well. That's how we get disappointed before and almost stop stanning BTS.
But later on we realized that we were not stanning the fandom. We were stanning BTS. It's just the fandom that made us feel upset, made us feel like we didn't belong, but not BTS. BTS are the ones we made us happy. So we stan BTS and we don't care what other Armys think about us. Even if they tell us that we're not enough, or we don't deserve to be Army. But we know in our heart that we are ARMY, and we believe it, no matter what they say.

So to conclude, some fans are just horrible. But not all, of course. I've seen some of them gathering together for a good cause. Like when they donate something to people and to the world. And when they don't attack other people and support other idols. Those are the precious ones, a real jewel in the world. And I do believe in their existence, even when I'm surrounded by toxic ones right now.
So that's why I can say that not all kpop stans are monsters. Some are jewels as well. You just need to find the right ones.

Love always,

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