13th Letter: Life's Good

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Dear Future Me,

"Life's good."

I had to remind myself that every day.
Even when I'm crumbling to pieces, overworked, and dealing with so much stress and tiredness, I had to tell myself that life is good. No matter how gloomy the day is, with dark clouds overhead or raining, I had to make myself remember that it's only for a while, it'll be over soon and once it does, sunshine will show itself and there will be butterflies and sweet scent of freshly-rained flowers and life will be good.

At night, when it gets too dark, I had to put in my mind that the more darkness, the more visible the stars are, and life will be good.
Even when tears are falling down my face, or when my heart feels sagging on my chest and trying to bring me down with it's weight, I had to breathe and remember that after the sky shed its tears and get rid of its rainclouds, it will give off brightness and brilliance.

Every day,  I had to remind myself that life is and will always be good, no matter what kind of darkness tries to ruin it.

Love always,

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