63rd Letter: To Jin

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May 20, 2020

To Kim Seokjin,

It's raining today. The weather makes me remember you. I haven't seen you for a while now. I've been a bit busy these days. I have been setting up a goal. You see, I'm not sailing aimlessly in the ocean now. I have one goal. My first ever real goal  in my whole life. I'm not too obsessed with you anymore. I'm still in love with you. I'm still crazy over you. But I'm not spending the whole day obsessing over you. I'm getting a hold of my life as well. I'm fighting for my goal. I have reached a point in life where i finally realized that everybody was right, that I was too obsessed with you and that I could no longer live a successful life the way everybody does. I felt sad about that. In fact, I cried. Because I realized my life was a mess. Everybody thought so and they're probably right. I hated everything  that everyone does and they were right about me. That I won't be able to reach anything in life. That I will be stuck in this mess my whole life and all that will ever come out of my mouth are excuses.

Seokjin-ah, I'm just really tired. Nothing excites me anymore other than you. I tried to force myself to like what other people do but in my mind, I just keep thinking that I hated it. I'm so tired, Seokjin-ah. Everyone is so different. They don't think the way I do and I'm just forced to think like them because I'm all alone and they're too many.

I won't say goodbye to you. I would never. I know you're going away this year to serve in the army and I will miss you terribly. But I'm just going to rest to rest for awhile. While you will be serving your country, I will be working hard here to achieve my goal.
I hope things will go well for you and for me
Serve well, my love. I will wait for you in two years.

Love always,
Your ARMY from the other side of your galaxy

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