81st Letter: Future Envisions

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(Late Updates)

August 12, 2020

Dear Future Me,

I have already envisioned our future when I was a kid. I already knew. It's gonna be a really really really lonely life so you gotta brace yourself. I will be living with lots of regrets, alone and probably depressed for the rest of my days. I knew I wouldn't even get married bc I just can't imagine it. If I did, I'd still end up divorced or separated. I would have a kid but I wouldn't be a good mother. Or I wouldn't have a kid at all. Since I don't like people, I will have to live a solitary life somewhere in a country side, away from the city or the people. I wouldn't have any friends to visit me. My neighbours wouldn't like me. I'd be labelled as the outcast in my community. Odd, useless, and bad. My company throughout the day will be animals and I would probably spend the nights drinking, reading or writing my thoughts. Or in bad days, I'd be crying my eyes out and not being able to sleep 'till morning.
This will repeat and repeat till I get old. And I'd probably die in the house alone and no one will notice for days. Or I would have to go somewhere in the forest and die there.

This is gonna be my life. I've been waiting for a turning point that takes me away from this fate but if there is none, this is what it will actually look like. So cheers.

Love always,

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