65th Letter: To Jin Pt. 3

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May 29, 2020

Dearest Jin,

I can't believe May will be over soon just like that. I don't even notice April came. I haven't seen the flowers that fall like snow. I haven't even spared my favorite tree even just one glance during those days. The wet season has began in our island. Here, we don't have actual timeline when seasons come since we only have to seasons every year but we will know when one ends and one begins. The rains have started pouring this week. There were thunderstorms last night and even the night before. The soils are wet and farmers here will sow their rice fields soon. The season of watermelons and mangoes will be over. We'll be seeing little streams on the sidewalk instead of dry and cracked soil and little falls on cliffsides. For some, it won't be lonely when the rainy season comes but I don't know what it will be like for me. I haven't been around here much before. I was at school and things were different there. I stayed in our boarding house most of the time before our class schedule started. When it rained, I just go to sleep or watch movies on my phone. I can't say it wasn't lonely because there were times that the heaviness of loneliness in my chest were to much to carry. But those times were over now. I have graduated and I've been staying at home as much as possible. But Seokjin-ah, my life right now is the computer screen that I've been looking at for ten and more hours a day. My work revolves around it and so does my life. Days went by and I haven't even notice the things that happened at home. Or even outside home. On the ride to my workplace today, I keep stealing glances at the surroundings as much as I could and that's when I noticed the changing of the seasons. And I feel like i want to cry right now, Seokjin-ah. I always wanted to cry these days. I've been always telling you that. I want to read a coming-of-age novel to make these tears fall because I've been carrying this weight for a while now. You see, I'm too busy to even cry. I can't believe what is happening to my life right now.

I hope your life is going well there. I heard you will be on a drama soon as a lead character. Bighit finally confirmed it. I've always been cheering on you for that and I can't believe it will be happening soon. I'm so happy for you. I will be supporting you with all the best I have.

And by the way, you and your members will be celebrating 7 years of being together this June. I want to say in advance that I'm so happy for all of you. Almost half of those years also belong to me. I can't believe we've come a long way together now. I'm cheering for more years to come. Expect me to be there in Bangbangcon to celebrate your seven-year anniversary. Me and my friend will be there.

Love always,
Your ARMY at the other side of your galaxy

P. S. These are the photos I took when I went out.

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