77th Letter: My I-LAND FINAL 12 Predictions

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July 27, 2020

(A/N: I wrote this prediction before ep. 6 was aired and the top 6 was revealed)

So here goes my "Final 12" predictions could. This isn't in order but I will have to put a number to count them. Explanations below:)

1. Heeseung
2. K
3. Sunghoon
4. Jungwon
5. Jake
6. Jay
7. Geonu
8. Sunoo
9. Hanbin
10. Niki
11. Daniel
12. Taki


This is only my own opinion and I'm basing it on what I have observed so far. Since the voting started, I've been exploring all over the Internet reading people's post and comments, and looking at stats and popularity charts. As I said, this is only my own opinion so anyone could agree with me.

Heeseung, K, Sunghoon, and Jungwon are the only trainees who are so much qualified for the top 12. They have the talent so the producers and the other trainees in I-land can't just kick them out. Surely there wouldn't be any reason to do that. To add that, they have huge fanbases also, which means if they did get kicked out in the next episode the fans' vote can obviously save them.

Jake has a huge fan base also, and if it turns out that the theories about the eliminated trainees isn't true, Jake could possibly be eliminated since we've seen him crying at the end of the previous episode. But as I said, he has a huge fanbase so if he gets eliminated, the fans could save him. Jay on the other hand doesn't have that huge fanbase compared to Jake but there isn't clearly enough reason for him to get eliminated because the producers adore him and the other trainees also know he is talented and full of potential.

Now there's this popular theory about the elimination circulating on twitter and was backed up with possible evidences which could be true. Seon is already out since we all saw that at the end of ep. 5. That leaves us with the other 5. Geonu could be eliminated and the evidence backing it up is almost as clear as day (his nameplate is shown at the end of ep. 5 and it's clearly not attached at the back of his chair anymore which happens whenever trainees are eliminated) The other 4 are Kyungmin, Youngbin, Jaebom, and EJ which make sense also because they don't stand out that much when they were in I-land compared to the other 6. Among them, though, the trainee who could have the biggest fanbase is Geonu. Since Geonu is possible to be eliminated, he has been talked about all over the Internet. He's needed because he's the main vocal. So I guess he could be saved and fill in that spot in the top 12.

Now let's see the trainees in the Ground. Basically, as what I have observed, there are at least 6 trainees who are pretty famous there. The leading trainee among them is Sunoo. He is so famous that I see his name everywhere on the Internet. He's topping the stats and charts for popularity and his fans are just everywhere. So let's add him to the final 12. The other guy is Hanbin. This guy is pretty famous as well and topping the charts. Although I've seen people commenting that it's not true that Hanbin is famous in Vietnam, I guess that rumor has died out now that the voting started. Hanbin's fans are clearly wildin' everywhere. I keep seeing his name all over Facebook, twitter and Weverse. So let's add him too. We now we have 9 people on the list.

Now let's compare the remaining 4 famous trainee in the Ground and the other 4 possible I-land Dropouts. The other 4 famous trainee in the Ground are Niki, Taki, Daniel and Nicholas. The other 4 Dropouts are Kyungmin, Youngbin, Jaebom and EJ and let's also add Seon. As far as I have observe, among these trainees, the famous ones are from the Ground: Niki, Taki, Daniel and Nicholas. Kyungmin was famous before the voting started but I haven't seen much of his name lately. Seon could have gained a bit of sympathy from other people aside from his fans but I'm not sure it's enough. The rest of the guys Youngbin, Jaebom, EJ could be famous but not enough compared to the ones in the Ground. So that leaves us with the Grounders: Niki, Taki, Daniel, Nicholas. Niki and Taki have the huge fans among them and they're also talented. Although Niki has been hated before, I don't think the hate still continues after ep. 5. There's clearly a lot of people talking about Niki right now, some are even asking me to vote for him. So let's add him to the list. Taki is also famous and talented so let's add him too. We have 11 on the list already. The last one could either be Nicholas or Daniel. They are pretty famous and I couldn't really decide but I guess Daniel could be added since he's s talented and topping charts as well with more fans than Nicholas. But I'm not really sure, Nicholas is famous too since I've seen a lot of memes with Nicholas' face on it which could mean he must be that famous but I think I've seen people talked about Daniel more. So Daniel it is.

Anyway that's how my assumption goes.

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