11th Letter: That Crazy Kdrama

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Dear Future self,

You've got to remember this moment. This is where you're feeling the emotions brought to you by this crazy kdrama called My Absolute Boyfriend.
I know it's sad but it's amazing. The ending was disappointing to some people but to me it's perfect. How it ends with Young Gu flinching his finger and showing signs that he's alive while Eom Da Da meets someone in the snow holding an umbrella for her but doesn't reveal his face. It's kind of tragic not knowing if that someone is actually Young Gu or Wang Joon. But Da Da smiles at him, and I guess the answer lies in that smile. It must be Young Gu. It must be him. There's no other way to end the story. It must be a happy ending for both of them. That's all we, the fans, could hope for. Seeing Young Gu's signs of being alive despite not knowing the truth is enough to make us feel hopeful that there's a happy ending for them. That all I need to believe in that story.

Love always,

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