80th Letter: Should I Say Goodbye?

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(Late Updates)

August 9, 2020

Dearest Jin,

Why do I feel like my heart is getting cold? I should have felt something whenever I see you but I didn't. And it's quite alarming. I knew I promised that nothing's gonna change even after years. But it seems like my heart is diverted into something else, or someone else. I have always been fond of you, and the reason why I couldn't feel anything anymore is probably because I've been pretty much distracted lately. But I swear, it's not because you lack something special or anything. You are great, actually. You are incredibly amazing and full of charms every now and then. It's just me, I think I needed something new. Forgive me, I'm in the point of my life where everything is wearing out on me. If I did grow cold, it's not just to you, but to everything else. I'm barely holding on. My life is anything but exciting. I'm stuck doing the same routine over and over again, plus the effect of this pandemic is killing me. It's making me sick both emotionally and mentally. I hope you understand. I do love you. Of course, that wouldn't change anything. I just think that, somewhere in the previous months, we started to grow apart. But I'm slowly pulling us back together and I'll be coming back to you soon.

Love always,
Your ARMY from the other side of your galaxy

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