93rd Letter: Translating Kim Sunoo

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January 22, 2021

I found this on twt. Someone shared a link and I read what's inside it. The words are so beautifully crafted to describe my forever sunshine Kim Sunoo so I wanna share it here.

 The words are so beautifully crafted to describe my forever sunshine Kim Sunoo so I wanna share it here

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This is a single answer.

can you describe how sunoo speaks? ☺️



11 hours ago

When speaking, Sunoo does it at a quite faster rate than most of the members, and this makes him express more ideas in a short span of time. He always radiates excitement whenever he tells stories or shares his thoughts. You could really feel his sincerity. When taken aback (when he is suddenly asked for a reaction or interview) he sometimes gets lost in his own thoughts (you know when we speak and think at the same time, we kind of construct our sentences simultaneously in our heads - that kind of feeling). He uses words like 막 "Mak" in-between thoughts to think. (it's similar to "like" in the English language). On formal occasions (like award shows and maybe press), he uses words that are concise and impressive. When writing, he is very expressive. He writes long paragraphs (not gonna lie it's a bit challenging haha) which I think is a reflection of how much he's enthusiastic to embark on this new journey of being an artist. He chooses beautiful words that reflect his personality. I not the most perfect but always try to translate him as accurately as possible. And by that, I mean translating not just what he said or what he wrote but translating what he feels and his emotions. Sunoo is emotional and sentimental, and I guess that's the hardest part of translating him. Because one should choose the right words that encapsulate his emotions. One thing I realized is when I can't think of a better word or a better way to rephrase my translations, I use emoticons. I think emoticons are an outstanding invention because it lets you convey emotions in a single visual character. For example, using "I don't like it" and "I don't like it 😆" in translations give so different emotions, and I think this is what makes the totality of the process interesting and challenging. I'm enjoying the process so far but I do hope more people would translate for him because Sunoo's manner of speaking and his choice of words are very captivating and engaging 😊 (sorry it was so long haha)

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