30th Letter: You Must Forgive Me For Saying This

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October 4, 2019

Dear Future Me,

Discovery Channel is bullcrap.

It's bullcrap for televising survival shows where rich people who don't even live a hard life go to the amazon rain forest and complicate their lives by trying to survive the savage environment. And in the process, they're intervening the way of nature, cutting trees along their way to build a shelter or a raft, disrupting beehives, eating helpless looking turtles and use their shells to boil water. All because they're bored of their lives. And in the end, they're gonna testify to the world how hard it was and how they have survived. Like, what the heck? Why don't they just stay at home and live? Why try to survive when you have all you need in your comfortable home?

Do they have any idea how many years it takes for a tree to grow that tall? How much distances the turtle has walked to reach that place where it is now? And now, they just messed up everything.
I could never understand those kinds of people.
That's why I'm repeating this. Discovery channel is bullcrap. One for disrupting nature. Two for letting their people eat the turtle. Or in some cases, a pig.

I give my endless sympathy to all those poor animals.

Love always,

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