49th Letter: Why None Of My Friends Knew I Write

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Dear Future Me,

This is for you because you always feel like your stories aren't special just because you don't post them on Facebook where your friends could read them.

The reasons why I didn't post my stories and poems on an online communities such as Facebook is because I think only morons would read it. The kind of morons who don't even understand what they all mean but think they're great just because they're written in English. Those morons make me feel like a show-off most of the time.

I didn't write to show off and be just a show-off my entire life. Those people depressed the hell out me. They think they know me for one reason which they actually don't because I only leave very little fragments of my self in those stories and they must piece those little fragments together first to know exactly who I am. But they don't do that because they're morons.

Let me visualize it for you.

Take the word "serendipity" for example. They'd be like "wow what a beautiful word it is" but I bet none of them even know what it means.

Same goes with my stories.
In the first place, they have no idea what it's all about. And that only depressed me even more.

But take novels like The Perks of a Wallflower or The Catcher in the rye or even  Turtles All the Way Down. Incredible books, they are. Only morons would think they're a bore. Because none of them ever understands what they're all about.
Oh I forgot, morons don't read by the way.

Anyhow, I really don't want moron readers. Forgive me. But I really don't.

And you think I was just writing this out of the blue? NO. I got inspiration from the book I'm currently reading. The Cather in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. Love that book so much. Now I think everybody is a moron. I guess I owe that to Holden. Great guy, he was. Very perceptive. And totally intelligent. Wish I could be him all the damn time.

P. S.  People I know are writers by the way. Or at least some of them like to call themselves that way. No offense. I would never know if they're real or not anyway.
But, to be honest, they depressed the hell out of me because I think they're only a bunch of show-offs. And only morons read stuffs from show-offs. And I don't want to be that way.
I want my stories to be special. I want somebody to really understand them the way I understand the books I've mention above.

I hope they read The Catcher In The Rye. They might understand me somehow if they do.


If you feel like I'm being too much, we'll you could always blame the book for that lmao.

Love always,

inspired by: The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger (a book that taught me that everyone is a moron... Or a phony) (but all in all, a book that understands all of me)

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