94th Letter: Here I Am, Paving My Way

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February 6, 2021

Growing up means you get to become something you never expect yourself to be. And your job takes you places and situations you don't expect yourself to be in.

And then the next thing you know, you are sitting in a company of people you don't usually hanged out with, drinking beer with them out of courtesy and trying to initiate small talks and little remarks so you wouldn't feel like you weren't there. It's difficult and weird at the same time because they're people whom you never really talked to before. People who know you but act like you're invisible. Neighbors. Relatives. Or people so close to you and coexist with you at close distance but never had anything to do with you. And now they start noticing you. They start talking to you.

But don't think that it's happy because you're not happy. You are embarrassed. Because they know everything about you but they didn't even care until you sit among them. Until you finally reached their level and you're not invisible anymore.

And when they talk they start recalling things that happened to them that also happened to you, at the same place, at the same time, and you wonder how the heck did you share the same memories but never even meet?

I must blame the drinks for that. I don't know how I ended up here, but yeah here I am, in my neighbor's house that I've never been in before, awkwardly talking to these people, trying to be polite, trying to find and filter my words at the same time.

It's uncomfortable but yeah welcome to this life. Welcome to adult life! I am finally making my mark in the society.

This shouldn't look so bad, right?

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