2nd Letter: This Writing Prompt

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Written: May 31, 2019

Dear Future me,

I found this writing prompt in Pinterest and I want you to answer it again once you receive this letter and let's see if anything is still the same.

1. Two words/phrases that make me laugh

I hate snakeu. I don't know, it's just an army thing. But it kind of makes me laugh everythime i think about it.

2. My life in 7 years

In 7 years, I'm gonna be 27. So i want my life to be happy. Been to Venice already, to South Korea, Japan. Met BTS, GOT7, and Ed Sheeran. Pursuing my career as a writer. No boyfriend. Built my parents a good house. Bought a farm land. Bought 2 boats, one for fishing the other for touring. Have a car. Lots of books. Written many stories. Living with pets.

3. What do i need to get off my chest today

A good cup of coffee, i guess. With a pen in hand and a paper to write on. Just like the good old times.

4. How can i simplify my life in little ways

An island girl, living an island life. Pet lover and writer with a heart.

5. What advice should i give myself right now

Don't let love take your dreams away.

6. How can i make time for things that bring me joy

Just wake up early and do some stuffs. A lot of time in the morning. Pure silence. No distractions.

7. What makes me happy

This may vary all the time. But this time, what makes me really happy is that i passed the civil service exam that i lost hope for and went on a ten-day vacation with my mom and sister.

8. Ten interesting facts about myself

       1. I love music.
       2. I love Kpop.
       3. I love reading.       
       4. I love watching  Kdramas till 3 am.
       5. I write blogs about stuffs that inspire me 
       6. I love animals.
       7. I love history.
       8. I love movies.
       9. I love adventure.
      10. I can swim.

9. Five fears that i have

       1. Physical darkness
       2. Psychological darkness
       3. People that cannot be trusted
       4. Forgotten dreams
       5. Unknown future

10. What am i thankful for

Right now, i am thankful that i just came back from our vacation safely.

11. Five things i would like to do more

       1. Writing
       2. Reading
       3. Going out to see the sunrise
       4. Playing with my pets outside
       5. Helping my mother doing the house chores

12. Things i love about this time of my life

About this time of my life, i think i love my newly bought blue notebook, the chinese movie i just watched earlier, the ferero nutella that my uncle just gave us, the kdrama Touch Your Heart that makes my heart really flattered, Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na. I also love being back home and seeing jungkook, chimchim, tofu, kalderen, kabo, and smeagol. And, the couch i am lying on right now. Also, the feeling that i got inspired to write again.

13. How do i relax

Most times, it'd be lying on the cough watching tv. Other times, It'd be sleeping on the hammock while listening to music. Or reading in our cottage with a cup of coffee in hand. And sometimes, it's playing with my dogs at the beach, running wild with the wind in my face.

14. What do i feel strongly about

I feel strongly about being an ARMY. Because its not that easy. Beacuse it's really gotten into me. Beacuse i love BTS, and it will insult me if anyone makes bad comments about them. They're my idol and i live looking at them as my inspiration.

15. What are my priorities in life

My number one priority is to find a job so that i could help my parents already. Number two is to suppprt my sister's study. Number three is to travel. Number four is to be a writer. And the list just goes on.

16. Five things to do less often

      1. Being lazy
      2. Not doing anything
      3. Being pessimistic
      4. Getting scared
      5. Getting worried

17. What were my highs and lows this week?

My highs this week are when i passed that civil service exam and that 10-day vacation. About the exam, i never thought i could really pass it because i didn't even finished it. I lost hope already but miracles do happen. I got my miracle, thanks God. And about the vacation. Well, it's been a good one. I get to meet cousins and relatives i haven't seen before or in a long time.

And my lows this week is the realization that i may be losing my dreams one day because i grow up or fall in love. It makes me sad to even think about it.

18. Write a letter to my teenage self

Since i haven't been a teenager for a year now, I'm missing that self already. To my teenage self, you haven't been so reckless. Don't spend your time crying over guys and getting depressed about the me now. I'm truly fine. Worry about your self. Go out, enjoy, read your favorite books, write, and get inspired. And also, study well. But not hard. You shouldn't have a boyfriend, but it happens anyway. It's okay. Just don't get suffocated on love. Your feelings will fade anyway, trust me. Lmao 😂😂
Just love yourself more.

19. What do i need to be content

That i have what i need right now - a food to eat, a family to come home to, pets to cuddle, books to read, songs to listen, notebooks to write on, a cellphone to do stuffs i love, and many more.

20. Name three things i do well

     1. Writing
     2. Crafting
     3. Reading

21. What are my biggest goals

      To travel with my family. To meet BTS. To build a dream house. To publish even just one book. To know Japanese/Korean language. Above all that, TO BE HAPPY.

22. What do i love about myself

I love that i am continuously learning to love myself. That i am no longer in the impression of trying to chase some guy. That I'm not in love. That guys can no longer make a fool of me.

23. One way i would like to grow next year

My character. That's been a little bit off the track lately. I hate that i am not good to people. That anyone could annoy me so easily.

24. What would i be doing if money wasn't an object

To travel, perhaps. If by object means not an issue, then I'd probably be gone somewhere in the world and never coming back.

25. What's on my mind right now

The chinese movie called suddenly 17. It's about dreams dissappearing because the main character grow up. Or somewhere along the way, she gave it up for the man she love who only broke her heart after ten years of their relationship.

Love aways,

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