82nd Letter: ILAND Finale Thoughts

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September 19, 2020

Dear Future Me,

I haven't updated in a while but I wanna tell you what I've been up to lately. I watched Iland and I have gone totally crazy from the past three months. There is this kid I adored so much. You read of him in my previous letter. And I know he already mean a lot to you. His name is Kim Sunoo. He's the most amazing person in iland and I love him. He's pretty famous too. Last night was the last episode to determine who will debut. I almost died because almost didn't make it. I won't go over the details on what really happened bc obviously you already know. But I want to tell you how I really felt last night.

I've never been so scared in my entire life. I didn't expect the results of the votes were so low. I was hoping he would get number one bc he always did from the previous episodes. But when the top 5 were announced and his name wasn't called yet I was already feeling hopeless and sad. When the MC announced Sunghoon was 6th applicant to complete the 7, I lost my soul. The 7th will be the producer's pick and K still wasn't announced as well. I already know they would pick K considering how they all praised him so much in the past. I didn't know what happened anymore after that. I stopped watching the live stream the moment Sunghoon was announced as the last applicant from the global votes. I had my emotional breakdown for a while. I rant on Twitter, saying I don't want to watch the end anymore, and that I can't believe I wasted so much money and energy on this show only to be disappointed at the end, told my moots I would probably deactivate my account and just stop being a kpop fan for the rest of my life. But I tried to calm myself down bit by bit in minutes then tried to sneak a peak of the livestream just to see who they actually pick. But SURPRISE! The moment I played it, Jiggeum Butteo already announced Sunoo as the last applicant to complete the Final 7 and I really went numb for a few seconds and tried to process what was going on. I tried to understand the situation if Sunoo actually made it or everything was a joke. But there it was! His name on the screen! And i saw him giving his speech to the viewers and Jiggeum Butteo saying that K and Daniel were automatically eliminated. I went back to twt and told all my moots that I changed my mind, that I'm not really deactivating, and everything I said was a joke. Went back to the livestream and see everyone hugging each other, confettis in the air, and the final 7 applicants on the screen who finally made it. And Sunoo's name was there! I was so so happy. I could never forget that night. It was a real roller coaster ride. My mood switched up so quickly.

I'm so proud of Kim Sunoo. I voted for him everyday and prayed for him to get in. And he finally made it. Been with him since part 1 and I could finally go out there and feel proud to tell the world that I am a predut fan who have watched his journey to be the successful global idol that he already is.

Love always,

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