3rd Letter: Another Break-down Moment

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Written: June 16, 2019

Dear Future me,

Is there gonna be light for us at the end of the tunnel?

Will you be able to overcome this sickness that keeps haunting us all the time?

I wonder if we will ever be free someday?

But I guess not. We can't run from who we are.

No matter what people say, no matter how hard they try to help us, we can't.

They only want us to change. But we are born this way.

Just let us suffer. Because we are our own distraction.

But are we gonna do anyway? We want to escape but no matter how hard we want to, we can't.. And who cares? It's not like we want anyone to care anyway.

There's only us in the end. Nobody would ever know.
We get so sick of this life, but what are we gonna do about it? We just want everything to end, want to disappear, to vanish as if we never existed in the first place, but we can't outrun reality.

I wish life is a little different for me. I've been brought up like this and somehow, it has become a part of me already. It's too late to change because no matter how much I hate myself, hate this personality, it is what makes me who I am. I know it's wrong but it's not my parent's fault. It's nobody's fault. Everything was done out of love.

Love always,

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