50th Letter: For Stays

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Dear Future me,

I have a story for you. This is inspired by Mixtape 4 by Stray Kids.

I Follow You To The End Of The World, Captain

"Once upon a time, there was a captain named Chan who owned a ship with an eight-member crew. It was his first day of being a captain and he told his crew they must venture into the wide ocean to find a treasure hidden somewhere in an island where no one has ever been to.

So, one morning they set off and sailed across the world to find that treasure.

Chan was afraid because it was his first time to sail in that wide mighty ocean. But he was determined. He was filled with courage and his members were the source of it. They knew they were going to find that treasure soon.

Unfortunately, though, they weren't the only ones looking for the treasure. Lots of ships with determined sailors and courageous captains were in competition with them. They, too, were on their way to seek the the island where the treasure was. And, boy, they were on a hurry.

They were the kind of sailors who were very mean to others. Especially to sailors who only began their journeys quite recently. Like Chan and his crews. They were the ones who were most likely to step on them if they were on their way and even laugh at them if they were caught in a wave and sank to the bottom of the ocean. But they were wrong about Chan.

These sailors stepped on him and his crew not just once but many times already. They fired at his ship with cannons and intended to sink them underwater. But Chan and his crew got away with it all the damn time. And everytime that they did, they stuck out their tounges at them to show them that they didn't give up that easily.

Without knowing where the treasure Island really was, Chan and his crew decided to sail on their own on that wide ocean without following the directions of other sailors. His compass was broken and the mean sailors laughed at him and called him a clown when he and his crew turned in a different direction.

Now they were aimlessly sailing against the current. It was hard. They were alone. The nights were cold and dark and they had no idea where they were heading. But Chan seek answers from the sky. From the moon and stars. He felt like the sky told him to trust himself and follow the wind. It told him that he was heading to the right direction afterall and all he had to do was to believe in himself, listen to his heart and never give up. His crew never questioned him even once about his choice because they, too, have trusted him and believed in him. And Chan believed in them too.

So they continued to sail across the deep and dark ocean. They must endure all the hardships that unfolded before them to be able to see the treasure lying ahead of their journey. They must push forward and even rise above the light.

And one day, they finally found the treasure island. It was truly a wonderful sight to see because no one has ever been there before. Bars of golds were scattered all over the ground. Jewelries made of silvers and diamonds lined the shore. The crew were so happy. They made it. And Chan watched them, feeling relieved and wondered how in the world they found the treasure and accomplished their dreams.

While watching them, he looked into his heart  once again and all of sudden he found the faces of his crew smiling at him. And he knew that it was what's in his heart that led them to the treasure. It was his crew, all along, who never doubted him. Whom he trusted and who trusted him back on their long and sickening journey at sea. His members. His precious compass.

The trust they had for each other despite all the terrible circumstances has led them to their dream.

The end. "

I hope you like it.

Love always,

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