92nd Letter: In Half of This Year

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January 22, 2021

Dear Future Me,

I started this year with a lot of wonderful blessings that I don't think I deserve. I got an amazing job that pays alot. It will cover half of the year so I don't have to worry about anything financially. I did nothing except sit in the office with my phone connected to the Wi-Fi collecting votes on SMA for Enhypen. I don't really think I deserve the job but after all the pain I suffered, I guess it was really meant for me in the first place. I can see clearly now what God had in plan for me before. Everything that happened eventually lead to this moment. And I'm so grateful for Him.

A few days from now, I'll be working with people older than me. None of them are my friends and I don't think we'll get along, but I hope we do. I hope I will like them and won't hate them. I hope I'll get comfortable and build good friendship with them. They are amazing people.

Anyway, SMA will be over this Sunday. On Monday, I'll start re-organizing my life. Time Management always comes first. Then followed by self-discipline. I will also add dedication for work. Then self care. The rest I'll figure out later.
I'll also start reading the book I just bought. Spend less time on Facebook. Twitter will be okay but I have to limit it as well. Make time for friends or co-workers to build a relationship. Participate in everything. Or maybe not everything but in something that helps myself grow. Less Kpop. But Enhypen, TMap, and Kingdom is coming soon so maybe I'll just have to focus on them first. Keep notes during Sunday service. I should buy a notebook soon. Do some house projects to satisfy my parents. Always have time to talk with people that really matters.

I don't know where to begin but I hope this will go well.

Love always,

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