28th Letter: When Life Happens

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September 20,2019

Dear Future Me,

What I'm really scared at is that one day, when I'm a little older, I'll lose all of those things that make me happy. I'll lose this talent in writing, these wild imaginations, and all these stuffs that make my heart flutter. I'm scared if I'll become someone like my roommate or my co-workers who only talk about people and job and relationships. And I'm scared if someday I'll be too busy to even finish a chapter in a book, or an episode of a kdrama, or even write a fraction of my thoughts. One day, when I become a grown up, money will define me, work will define me, and one day, I'll be staring at a piece of paper or at this writing app not knowing what to write with my fingers too heavy to even hold a pen or type on a keyboard. One day, when I'll be old enough, kdramas will never melt my heart anymore, or I wouldn't be able to remember BTS or Got7 or any of those boy bands I love, or the songs that inspire me everyday. One day, I'll never be able to stay late at night happily doing my blogs on tumblr and writing on wattpad or editing photos or simply reading a book of my choice. Or I'll probably won't even have a TBR list to begin with.

One day, I'll be like one of those people who are trying so hard to be successful in life but forgetting about all the things that make them wholeheartedly alive.
I don't know about them but I hope they're happy, because if not then what's the point of living? If it happens to me though, I'd make sure I'm happy and satisfied. And I'd make sure I won't regret a thing.

Love always,

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