52nd Letter: The Letter I Wrote On Christmas Night

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January 31, 2019

Dear Future Me,

Throwback to the time when our past self wrote a letter to us on Christmas night. I remember how she felt. She had stopped writing for two years that time and she missed it. So she wrote this.

Reading it again, I feel so sorry for her. I want to tell her that even if she wasn't writing a story, she was still a writer no matter what. If I could travel back in time, I want to punch her and force her to write. She looked like a loser, right? I hope you agree with me though.

I don't really like her. She was so desperate in love and it's annoying as crap. I hope she gets over it soon.

But then, I know she was going to say that I shouldn't blame her because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been where I am right now, so....


December 25, 2017
Christmas night

I want to write. I mean, I want to go back to writing stories again just like when I was young. I want to spend the night imagining what should happen in my story and the next day writing it on the pages of my notebook. I want to draw maps and name characters and think of twist events and read dictionaries. I miss those times. I really do. Sometimes, when I read my unfinished stories I get hurt because I know I was good in writing before but I failed to finish all of them. It's been more than two years now since I finished writing a story and I had tried so hard to write again but I wasn't able to do so. I've been writing in my diaries but it is different. I want to write my imaginations but all I am doing right now is writing my thoughts and all the things that are happening to me. I guess it has something to do with me growing old. I'm 19 years old now and yeah, I'm old. I don't have those childish imaginations anymore, because nowadays the only thing I've been imagining is my love life. 😭
I wish I could go back to who I was when I was sixteen. When I think about those times, I realize how different I am now. I have changed so much. Back then, I had known so little about the world but I always felt like I'd known everything. But now that I'm older, I realize that there's a lot of things I know now that I didn't know back then, a lot that I couldn't have imagined back then.  I know about love a little more, about what it really feels like and I know about pain, happiness, life and its realities.

I want to write all the things I know and I want to remember all of them when I get older.


So that's what she wrote. That bastard.

Love always,

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