Part 24

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I pack my stuff as I rub my eyes. They're kinda swollen from last night, I cried a lot and of course Nattie notices. "Are you okay, nic?" I nod even though I'm not okay. I don't know where John and I stand anymore. "You don't seem okay. Was it that dinner you had with John last night?"

"No. I'm okay really. I just couldn't sleep well." I close my suitcase, Nattie is already done with hers. "Alright, you can tell me anything. Remember that, okay?" I nod again, "Thanks Nattie."

"Let's go ahead and go downstairs." She grabs her suitcase and I grab the cup with flowers and throw away the water in the cup. Most of them are dry but some are still alive. I re-open my suitcase and stick the cup in there. "Are you coming?" Nattie asks standing in the door. "Yeah." I walk towards her and then we walk to the elevator. "I'm excited to go to Indianapolis." She says. "Me too, it'll be fun."

The elevator door opens and we are in the lobby along with other wwe superstars. I spot Paige and Emma by the door. "Im going to get a coffee, want one?"

"Yeah, French vanilla please." She nods and leaves her suitcase next to mine, she walks to the breakfast room and I wave at Paige and Emma. They're walking towards me but then stop, I turn around and notice why they stopped. John is behind me. "Good morning, Nicole." He says. "There's nothing good about it." I say hurt.

He sighs, "I'm trying to be nice." Nice? Is he serious? "You didn't call or text me last night. You didn't even apologize."

"Apologize for what?" I roll my eyes, "For being such a jerk with me." He scratches his head, "You made me mad. I don't mean to act like a jerk, it's just sometimes you get to me."

"Well then." Is all I say. He stays silent for a while looking behind me at who knows what. A couple minutes later he finally talks. "Nicole I think we should take a break." The words hit me so hard I feel like I can't breath. My knees begin to feel weak and I feel like crying again. "Break?" I choke out. He nods, "I need to think about some stuff. I love you but I just need some time." I just nod and look down at my feet blinking fast to stop my tears. The lump on my throat has gotten so big I can't swallow.

"Sorry." He says, he gives me a hug but I don't hug him back. Then he walks away, out the door. Emma and Paige are looking at me worried. Could they hear our conversation? Can they see Im about to burst into tears? "Here you-" Nattie stops when she sees me. "Nicole?"

I look up and see her with the cups, She gives me this look. "I'm okay. Just had a little argument with John. I'm going to the bus." Before she says anything I walk outside, the wind hits me and my tears fall. It hurts.

"Bella! There you are-" Seth stops when he sees me crying. I quickly wipe my tears and look down. "What's wrong?" He whispers. "Nothing." I say. He stares at me until I finally look up. "Was it that douche? I'll go beat his ass right now." I quickly put my hand on his mouth. "Shhh Rollins, they might hear you."

"I don't care. He made you cry. I don't like that. Wheres he at?" He turns around and I pull him by his shirt. "No, calm down. It's okay."

"Apparently not cause you're crying. It's not the first time he has made you cry. I have eyes and I've seen the times he's made you cry." He notices? "Why do you care?" I ask wanting and not wanting to hear the answer.

"Do you really want to know why?" He asks and I nod but then shake my head. "No never mind ." I grab my suitcase and walk to the bus that's going to take us to the airport so we can get to Indianapolis. "Nicole can I tell you something but you won't get mad at me?" He walks behind me and grabs my suitcase along with his. "Yeah sure." I say. "You honestly deserve so much better." He fixes the suitcases where they go and I completely ignore what he said. "Thank you." I say getting in the bus. Most superstars are here already, there's only two seats on the front. I sit down and Seth sits beside me. "Don't ignore what I just said. Look, I care about you. I don't know if you know that but I really care. I might annoy you and make fun of you but I don't like to see you hurting."

I look at my lap and then at him. "You shouldn't care about me." He smiles sadly, "But I do. And I can't help it." I don't know how to respond so I look down at my lap again. After a few minutes of silence I can't take it anymore so I speak up.

"Do you really have to get on this bus?" He chuckles, "Well I want to make you smile so therefore I do have to get on this bus." I roll my eyes and he smiles. "You know you like having this hottie here beside you."

"Eww no." I say, as he rubs his stomach. "Pshh I'm sexy and you know it." I smile a little, "Aha! See there it is! That pretty smile of yours." I feel my ears get hot. "I have a terrible smile."

"Oh please yours is fine, and then there's mine- all screwed up. Seeeee." He smiles exaggerated and I nod, "Oh yes I see."

"Yeah and you're talking about terrible." He chuckles. I look at him for a few seconds, it's kind of crazy because I was so sad a few moments ago and then Seth came and changed my mood just like that. He made me forget everything and now all I can think about is how goofy he is. "You're so annoying, Rollins."

"Why thank you for your compliment. You know how many times you've told me that? And I still feel flattered whenever you tell me." I chuckle quietly and look out the window as the bus starts to move.


About forty minutes later we get to the airport. As we get off the busses to get our suitcases I see my girls looking for me. "I think your squad is looking for you." Seth says with a smirk. "Yeah I can see that." He hands me my suitcase. "I'll see you at the hotel, Bella. Don't miss me too much!" He says waving bye and walking away. "I won't miss you at all!" I scream back and I hear him laugh.

"That wasn't suppose to be funny." I say with a small smile. "By the way I still haven't forgotten about that douche face!" He screams. I just shake my head and walk where my friends are.

Oh Seth, Seth, Seth.

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