Part 29

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My head is hurting so bad. It even hurts to sit up. My stomach is upset too. I glance at the clock, it's seven thirty a.m. We leave around ten in the morning to go on tour. Paige's bed is empty, she's probably downstairs eating breakfast.

I get up and and walk to the bathroom. I need a shower asap. I stink and feel terrible. While I'm showering I brush my teeth because I can still smell the alcohol. Must've been that alcohol I drunk.

Alcohol. Dean. Seth. Eva. Suddenly I remember everything, my eyes widen. Eva knows, Eva saw. Why did I flirt with Dean? Oh no no no. Quickly I get out and dry myself, I grab a random shirt and some shorts. On the way down I try to untangle my hair with my own fingers, I need to get there before Eva says something.

But as I approach the table I realize it's too late. Eva stops talking as I sit down, they're all looking at me and I know she told on me. "Well why don't you keep taking, Eva?" I say a little bit angry. I didn't expect her to say anything. "We were just talking about uhh.." She can't even lie good. "I know you told them."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says cutting her pancake. The girls are looking down at their plates. "Yes you do. Don't even try to lie." I say angry. "Hey no need to talk to her like that." Cameron says, "Well I want her to stop lying." Eva puts her fork down. "Fine I did tell them." Calm down Nikki, don't get on top of the table and smack her Nikki. Breath in and out Nikki.

"Why?" I ask trying not to sound irritated. "Because that's like wrong." She says. "I didn't do nothing bad." I say, "Sorry to interrupt but she told us you were drinking with Dean. And then he was hugging you and you put your arm around him, then Seth was there also. So what's going on?" Emma says, I know I shouldn't explain myself but I can't let my own friends think wrong of me.

"It wasn't like that. I was sitting down drinking I don't know something and Dean went to get a drink. We started talking and then Seth came to join us. I jumped off the stool, felt dizzy almost fell and Dean caught me, I was drunk didn't know what I was doing and put my arm around him." They look at me like they don't believe me. "Do you guys don't believe me?" I ask and there's no answer.

"It looked pretty flirty to me." Eva whispers. I sigh, "Okay maybe I did flirt a little with Dean. But I really did almost fall and he caught me, I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing so I put my arm around him."

"You gotta stop drinking then, what if John found out about that?" Paige asks. "He doesn't have to know, and it's not like he cares anyways." I say, "Of course he cares. Nicole, he's your boyfriend." Nattie says and then Eva talks, "And he wouldn't flirt with a girl."

At this point I feel beyond angry, they don't understand. "Oh yeah, Eva? What about you Huh? Remember when you flirted with other guys when you were dating Jonathan? Was that okay? No, so you can't be talking." Her face gets red and she looks down at her plate. I feel guilty for bringing that up but she made me mad. Nobody is talking to me, they're just all looking at each other. I feel so frustrated.

"Just to let yall know, John and I are on a break. I caught him talking on the phone with some Sarah girl yesterday night. That's why I went to the club and I felt angry and betrayed so that's why I got drunk and I did one mistake. One. All I did was put my arm around him but apparently that's the end of the world." I get up and walk out before I start crying. I shouldn't have told them nothing but I did.

"Nicole, hey I need to talk to you." Seth says as I walk towards the elevator. "I don't want to talk to you." I say getting in, before the door closes he gets in. "Get out!" I say looking away wiping the remaining tears. "No, not until we talk."

"I have nothing to talk to you about." I say, he stops the elevator. "What the hell?!" I scream annoyed, I'm really not in the mood for this junk. "We need to talk."He looks at me intensely and I just look away. "Nicole," he says slowly. I don't face him, "Nicole, Nicole look at me!" His voice has gotten rougher. I still don't look, next thing I know he grabs my arms and forces me to look. "Ouch, you're hurting me." I say writhing even though he's not really hurting me I just want him to stop grabbing me, he doesn't let go.

"Not until you listen to me." He says, "What are you talking about?" I ask trying to pull away but that's impossible, I'm a wrestler and I'm strong but not stronger that Mr. Money in the bank. "Last night. You were being mean and then you act nice, now you're mean again? And since when are you and Dean friends?" Oh so it's about that. "Why do you care? I can be friends with anybody I want."

"But why Dean? Why him?" He asks I shrug, "Because I like Dean. He's funny and he's a good friend." Seth laughs, "Oh please! You barely even know him!!" He says. Once again I try to push him away but I can't. "It doesn't matter how long I've known him, and again I don't see why you care." I writhe hoping he will let go.

"I care because I get jealous, Nicole. I can't stand the thought of you being with Dean, or John. I hate every time I see you with some other guy. Because I like you, I like you so much. And I can't help it Nicole, you've got me all crazy over you." I stop writhing and look at him in the eyes, I feel my breathing get faster. My heart is beating faster.

"What?" Is all I can say. It comes out as a whisper, and suddenly I feel like there's not enough air in the elevator for both of us to breath but he seems to be breathing fine. "That's why I care so much about you, that's why I annoy you. Just to be closer to you, that's why I always try to talk to you. That's why I give you periwinkle flowers, because I know you love them. It's why I do all that."

Everything flashes through my mind. I close my eyes as I feel a blush creeping to my cheeks. I should feel flattered but this is more than feeling flattered I feel .. Happy. "I need to go." I say, when I open my eyes I see Seth lean in to me. Before I can pull away he crashes his lips to mine. My eyes widen but his eyes are closed. His lips are soft and delicate and I am frozen. It's like time has frozen.

But seconds later I go back to reality and pull away. He opens his eyes and I don't know what to do or say so I quickly walk and press my floor number. "Nicole? Nicole answer me." The door opens seconds later- thank God. And I walk out, I look back and see Seth standing there as the door closes.

When it completely closes I touch my lips. He kissed my lips. He told me he liked me. And I feel so confused, I'm still stuck in the moment.

Seth likes me.

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