Part 4

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The hotel we are staying in is pretty cool. Brie and I share a room of course. Shes looking for her pjs while I'm getting ready to go out with the girls. "Nikki you shouldn't go." Brie says, "Ah yes I should, I mean don't you think we deserve a break? Smackdown was tough tonight." I say trying to put on blue eyeliner to match my dress. "But we have to-"

"Yes, Brie I know we have to wake up early tomorrow to workout. You don't have to remind me every five seconds." she rolls her eyes and puts on her pjs. "Won't John get mad though?" she asks putting a very thick blanket over her. "Why would he? They're my friends and plus he's going out with his friends tonight too so, no problem." she starts to text somebody and I'm guessing it's her husband. There's a knock on the door and seconds later Nattie peeks in, "Are yall read-" she looks at Brie. "Brie don't tell me you aren't coming!" she says walking in and Emma, Paige, and Eva follow her. Brie smiles, "I'm not going. But thanks for the invitation anyways." The girls sigh, "Dude come on its friday, have some fun!" Paige says with her british accent which is lovely.

"Nah, nah, I am tired." Paige rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Okay girls ready!" I say putting on some high heels. "Woah, woah look at you." Emma says giving me thumbs up, "Oh look at youuuu." I tell her. They walk out and before I leave I give Brie a quick hug. "Have fun," she says as I'm walking towards the door. "And Nicole- don't drink." I just shrug and walk out she's such a partypooper.


The club is awesome, there's lots of people and they're all dancing like crazy. We sit down at a large table. "What do you guys want to drink?" Eva shouts over the very loud music. "Vodka!" Emma says with a smirk. "Isn't that too strong?" Nattie asks, and Emma shakes her head no. "Nah not much." Eva stands up and Emma follows her, "We'll be right back." Somehow they manage to bring us drinks and even though I know I shouldn't drink alcohol I take a sip out of the vodka.

It hits me so hard and my throat burns. This shit is strong. "I thought you said it wasn't strong." I choke to Emma, she puts her cup down. Its empty, "Its not! Ima get another one!" she's already hypered and Paige notices. "Oh dear God, Emma! Pull your dress down your ass is showing." she runs behind Emma who seems to be in lalaland.

I don't know what it was, maybe the girls cheering me on, or maybe the music, or maybe just for the heck of it but the point is I ended up drinking too much vodka. I start to feel my head spin like crazy, and I begin to see my friends blurry. In fact everything is blurry. "EVANATTIEPAI-" I'm trying to say their names but the words don't come out right. Paige and Emma are laughing about something and Eva .. I don't even know where she is, Natalya went to the bathroom and I'm starting to think I should too since I feel like throwing up.

"Be righ-t bac-ck." I say getting up, they don't hear me though. I struggle to get to the bathroom but then I find it. I walk in and lean on the wall trying to see if that will help my diziness. It smells like urine and that's not helping my upset stomach. I start to walk to the stalls and get on the very first one. Nattie isn't here and when I close the stall door I hear somebody walk in. The smell gets stronger and I don't get the courage to puke or pee in this bathroom.

When I open the door I scream so loud I wouldn't be surprised the people out there heard me. I'm in the boys bathroom! The guy grins and I close my eyes because he still hasn't pulled up his pants, "Ooh what do we have here?" I start to panic and try to walk out buy I feel so dizzy and sick I can't move. "I- I- uh-"

"Hey man back off from my girl." I hear somebody say, the door closes and the guy pulls up his pants. Thank God. "This your girl? Why the hell is she in the mens bathroom?" I look to see who this guy is and of course it had to be Mr. Rollins. "She's a little drunk, she got confused." he walks over to me and grabs my hand to take me out the stall. I feel that guy stare at my body as we walk past him. "Nice ass." the guy says, Seth stops holding my hand and turns around. "Do you know who I am? Do you know I can beat your ass in less than two seconds?" I can see Seth starting to get angry.

The guy laughs, "I don't care who you are, I'm not afraid and you should take that as a compliment cause I'm complenting your girl." Seth cracks his fingers, "I don't like other guys complimenting my girl." I pull Seth back before he hits the guy because I know Seth can knock out this guy fast. "Lets go please." Seth steps back but as we are about to walk through the door the guy throws something at Seth- wrong thing to do.

Seth turns back and punches the guy so hard in the face he blacked out, "You do NOT MESS-" I try to hold him back but it's impossible he's a hundred times stronger than I am. He's about to hit the guy again but I stop him. "Seth no, let's just go please." he looks at the guy, he's mad, angry, furious. I've never seen him like this- well I mean I have on Raw or smackdown but not face to face. His expression changes when he looks at me and he just nods.

We walk pass the people and the feeling to throw up comes again, I run outside and puke all over a bush. "Gee that's what you get for drinking so much." I wipe my mouth and turn around to see Seth standing there. "Why are you following me Rollins?" I ask walking away from the throw up because I don't want him to smell it or see it. "Well you ran out like crazy and I wanted to see if you were okay." "I'm fine, just feeling sick. By the way thanks for saving me from that creep." Seth smiles, "No problem it was a pleasure to help you, Nicole." I groan, "Its Nikki!!!" he laughs and that makes me more angry, "Don't you laugh at me Rollins!" I scream. He stops laughing, "Okay I'm sorry Nicole," he grins, "Oops I mean Nikki."

"You know what? You can, you can-" my knees begin to feel like jelly and before I fall to the floor Seth catches me in his arms, "Hey there! Why you tryna fall." I manage to stand up, "I didn't mean to do that. Just too much vodka." he still has his hands in front of me just in case I get dizzy again. "Did you eat anything before you drank?" I shake my head no, in fact I haven't ate all day. "Thats why, here let me take you to the hotel." he tries to grab me but I step back.

"No, no, I came here with my friends and I'm leaving with them." Seth sighs, "Uh Bella don't be sttuburn! Let me take you, we're all staying in the same hotel so what's the big deal? And I'm sure your friends are as drunk as you." I think about it for a minute, he's right. We are going to the same hotel and I don't think the girls will get mad if I leave.


"I can walk by myself Rollins!" I say elbowing him, he groans as he opens the hotel door for me while holding my high heels with his free hand. "Yeah well it didn't seem that way while ago while you were getting off the car, you almos busted your ass remember?" I roll my eyes and punch in the elevator button. "You can go now." I say, "No I want to make sure you go in the right room and that you get there."

"You're treating me like a three year old." I say walking in the elevator, he walks in as well. "No, you're really drunk you might try to climb out a window or something." I chuckle, "I'm not that stupid Rollins." the elevator door opens and I begin walking to the room Brie and I are staying I knock in the door but she doesn't open it.

"Bella are you sure it's the right room?" he asks, I face him. "Yes, I'm pretty darn sure-" Brie opens the door, she rubs her eyes and then realizes Seth is there. "Oh umm, hello?" she says to Seth who hands me my high heels Brie gives me a look but I ignore it. "Hello Bella number two." he says with a grin, "Thank you for bringing me."I whisper to Seth. "No problem, goodnight Brie and goodnight Nicole." I take a deep breath and roll my eyes, I'm tired to remind him that its Nikki not Nicole.

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