Part 13

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"You're not doing a match with that fake blonde haired guy, right?" John asks. "His hair is not all blonde. And no that was a match on Thursday. Today's Monday, I get a different match." He just nods kind of annoyed, we're not really okay yet. I've been distant and he has been distant. To my surprise, Seth hasn't "annoyed" me since Saturday. I don't want to admit it but I miss it.

"Aren't you going?" I ask as I pack my stuff to go to the arena. "No, I'm not coming out to tonight. Remember?" Oh that's right, I forgot. "Oh yeah." I grab my stuff and give him a quick kiss. "Good luck." He says as I close the door.

I'm against Emma tonight. It's hard to fight with one of your friends but you have to do what you have to do. Emma and I are fighting and I'm about to be the rack attack on her when my knees start to feel really weird. I drop her and she hits her head so when I pin her down she doesn't kick out and I win. I am happy that I won but I still feel dizzy and weak, probably because I'm still on my "diet". I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I put my hand in the air and hear people cheer. But then somebody's music hits.

I look at the entrance and see him. Creepy dude! I look all around, is this part of the show? He enters the ring and I'm completely frozen. Afraid to move. He steps closer and his music is still playing. As he removes his sheep mask he moves closer to me that's when I step back. "What are you doing here?" I ask scared.

He touches my hair and I squeal, "Pretty." He says. My eyes widen and I push him away, well I try to push him away but considering he is over two hundred pounds more than me it doesn't really work. He grabs me by my attire and picks me up, my feet are kicking in the air, "What the-"

Next thing I know Seth's music starts playing. Erick puts me down and turns around to look at Seth angrily. "You- interrupting me again!" Erick screams. I watch as Seth gets in the ring and immediately punches him. The crowd goes crazy.

They start to fight and I'm about to get off the ring when Erick kicks Seth straight in the face. Seth struggles to get up but as he does Erick is going to punch him again. "Wait no-! Stop-" I get in front of Seth. Bad idea. Because I catch the punch right in the face. Seth's face turns red and he punches Erick over and over. Then everything goes black.


"Nicole?" I open my eyes a little, my vision is blurry. "Nicole? Are you okay?" I blink a couple of times until I can see who's talking, it's Seth. My face breaks in a smile immediately. "Seth." I say. He smiles a little, "You had me worried." He says taking the ice pack off my face.

I wince at the pain in my cheek. "He punches hard." I say touching it, "Duh, Nicole! He's a giant." He says putting the ice pack on the table. I look around the room, we are backstage at the doctors room. "The doctor went to get some creme for your face. You were gone for like five minutes. I was scared to death. Thought he killed you!"

"Oh please, Rollins. Don't exaggerate. It was just a punch." Seth huffs, "A punch coming from a man who is like three hundred pounds! But why did you get in front of me?" He asks, I was afraid he'd ask that. Truth is I don't know why I did it.

"Cause you couldn't defend yourself." I say. He smiles and looks down at the floor, "Why thank you. But I think I had it under control."

"Oh really now? Because you were on the floor getting kicked and punched." He laughs, "I still had it under control."

"But why did you come out to defend me, huh? I thought you were leaving me alone and you wouldn't annoy me anymore."

"You were in trouble. And I know, I know. But gosh," he sighs and scratches his head. "I miss annoying you, Nicole!"

"It's Nikki!" I say. "That's exactly what I'm talking about! I missed you saying that, even if it was like two days. I still missed it." Me too. But I don't tell him that.

"Where she at?" Seth looks at me and I'm already looking at him. The door opens and John walks in. "What the hell are you doing here?" He tells Seth. "I was just checking on her." John walks over to me and sees my face, "I'm gonna kill that mother-"

"Well I already beat him up so I don't think it's necessary." Seth says, as John turns to look at him. "Was I talking to you? In fact what are you even doing here huh? And why did you come out?"

"Like I told you, I am here to check on her. And I went out to defend her because you weren't here."

"Well you didn't do a good job at it did you? Because she got punched!" Seth looks like he wants to say something but instead he gets up and walks towards the door. "Sorry about that, Bella." And the he leaves.

The doctor walks in and applies a creme that'll stop the swelling. "Oh Nicole, you shouldn't have gotten in the fight!" John says. "I just wanted to stop it. I don't even know why Erick went out there. He's like really creepy."

"Yeah that's why I'm going to-" I interrupt him, "John. No. Just leave it alone. It was my fault for getting in the way anyways. And before you say anything I was not defending anybody okay?"

He rolls his eyes and looks at the Ceiling. "Okay." I get up, "Wait where you going?"

"Get my stuff." I say rubbing my cheek lightly. "I'll go with you." He says getting up too. "No I got it, wait for me in the car okay?"

"I'm not going to let you go by yourself. What if you find Erick huh?" He crosses his arms over his chest. "John. No. He's not going to be following me around. It was just a one time thing."

"I don't care. I'm going with you." I sigh and walk out the door before him. "Oh Ms. Bella, keep applying this creme it'll help with the bruise and the swelling." He hands me a tube of whitish cream. I take it and walk to the locker room. John waits for me outside and when I walk in the girls gasp. "Oh my God." Natalya says. I feel my cheeks burn, I'm the center of attention. And not in a good way.

"Goodness gracious, look at that bruise!" Emma says. "How did it feel to get punched by him?" Paige asks. I start to take my attire off, "Felt like a thousand bricks coming straight to my face. As soon as his fist touched my cheek I saw stars. Not even kidding."

"Man I bet so. He's enormous." Eva says as I put on a t-shirt and jeans. "Right!"

"But why'd you get in front of Seth?" Natalya asks raising an eyebrow. "Umm, I was just tryna stop it. But you see what I got for getting in between them?" The nod and I walk over to thee mirror. My face goes pale as I see my reflection. There's a HUGE bruise on my face. I knew I'd have one but not this big! "Fuck." I say poking it and then regretting it when I feel a sharp pain in my cheek.

"I have to go girls, I'll probably be gone for two weeks until this thing is gone!" I point at it. "That sucks ass." Paige says and I agree with her, she's so outgoing like she literally says what's on her mind. Sometimes it's a good thing. I give them all a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug and say bye. I walk over to my locker where I keep my bag. As I reach to get it at the very end I see a flower. How did he even get it in here?

A periwinkle flower. I can't help but to smile as I take it and smell it.

Mr. Rollins left it for me.

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