Part 17

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"John what the hell?!" I scream as he walks backstage, he looks at me and then keeps walking. "John, I'm talking to you." he turns around, "What, Nicole? What?" he says annoyed.

"What do you mean what? Why did you challenge Seth to a match?" he looks at me coldy, "Because I'm fucking John Cena and I can." I gasp at his language, yeah John cusses but right now he's angry and looks pretty annoyed. "But why?" I ask, he looks down at me and I can see jealousy in his eyes but he will never admit that he is jealous. "I'm tired of him messing with my girl, that's it. When I beat his ass he will learn to stay away." he walks away but I don't even bother to follow him.

I have to find Seth and tell him not to accept the challenge, but I know he will because he's got too much pride. If they do end up in a match then its going to turn into a bigger problem. "Nikki?" Jane says, she's with Mark. Jane is the WWE Talent Relations and develompment. Mark is the Senior Direcor and also a WWE Talent Relations person. They make matches like Stephanie and Hunter do. "Yes?" I ask in panic, am I going to get fired? Am I in trouble? "Can we talk to you for a minute?" she asks and I nod, I mean do I have any other choice?

We walk in the office and I sit down biting my lip nervously. "Okay so we got some news for you." Mark says, "What are the news?" I ask, "Total Divas is gonna start in few weeks, will Brie be able to appear on the show?" he asks, I nod. Of course Brie wants to appear on Total Divas, it'll help her fans keep up with her, that's what I did when I got injured a few months ago. "Okay good. And now the next thing we need to talk to you about is a great opportunity for you!"

"And what's that?" I ask curiously, "A storyline." Jane says. Oh no the last time a storyline was involved I was in a match with Seth and that pissed John off. "Does it involve Seth?" I ask, they nod. "Since you've been with Seth doing matches, people want to see you more. You get more popularity. And a romanctic storyline with him will blow peoples minds." My heart falls to my stomach. Romatic storyline? I can't do that.

"But I'm dating John." I whisper. "So? This is a great opportunity for you. You don't have to do it but we're just trying to help." Jane says, "Don't mix your relationship with John in this. We don't want any kisses or nothing like that, just walk out with him and do matches. Google how much they ship Seth Rollins and Nikki Bella and you'll see how many people ship you two. Its unbelivable." Mark tells me.

People ship Seth and I? They're giving me this chance and I can't say no, I need more time on tv. I need more popularity. "Yes. I'll do it." I tell them knowing I will regret it late. They smile happily. "We will give you more information later on, we don't want to put this storyline in action just yet." Jane says.


I knock on John's door. He opens it, "Hey." he says. I look down at his chest, he's shirtless. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss. "Is your roomate here? I need to talk to you." I whisper in his ear, he nods. "It's only eight p.m. he won't be out until later. But you can tell me here." I pull him and close the door. "Lets go to my room, Nattie left to eat dinner." I grin and he raises an eyebrow but follows me.

When we get to my room I sit on his lap and kiss him. "Why are you being so-" he doesn't finish his sentence because I run my finger up and dow his thigh. "Ooooh." he whispers. I kiss his neck and he plays with my hair. "What did you need to tell me?" he says closing his eyes as I keep kissing his neck.

"I got a storyline." I say he nods and keeps playing with my hair. "That's great." he says. Oh God. How am I suppose to say this? "Umm yeah but the storyline is-" he cuts me off by giving me a kiss. He pulls away, "Is what, baby?"

I take deep breath, this is it. "A romantic storyline with Seth." I quickly kiss his lips hoping my kisses are enough to calm him down. But he pulls away and I see anger in his eyes. "What?" I swallow quickly, maybe it was too fast to tell him. "No kisses will be involved, just doing matches and walking out with him and-" he grabs me by the waist and takes me off his lap. "No! You are not doing that!" he screams.

"John! Its an opportunity for me! Why are you so insecure?" I ask he shakes his head angrily, "I'm not insecure I just don't want you to do that shit." he walks away slamming the door. I sit in the bed nervously, he's going to take it out on Seth on Raw. I know he is, and that worries me.

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