Part 37

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My hands are sweating and I'm walking back and forth. "Are you ready?" Seth asks walking out the lockeroom shirtless. "No." I say trying to stare at his face not his abs. "Well Nicole, you better be ready cause we're up next." He says handing me his briefcase, I hold it while he puts on his attire shirt. Did I mention it's extremely tight?

"I'm nervous. What if this storyline doesn't work?" I ask handing him his briefcase back. "Oh please it's going to work, you gotta be positive. Okay?" I nod while he puts his hair behind his ear. "Awesome, let's go." He walks in front of me and I try to keep up but he's walking fast. "Hey! Wait up for me, I have short legs." I say, "They're pretty short legs though." He says with a wink.

"Don't look at my legs." I say with a small blush. "Can't help it, you're wearing that tiny attire." He grins as we sit on a bench and wait for our call. I'm looking at the tv backstage, next thing I know Johns music hits and I watch him enter the arena. Seth looks at me quickly but looks away as I stare at him.

John starts talking but he's interrupted by none other than Brock Lesnar. I see panic in Johns face even though he's trying to be cool. Lesnar is walking with Hayman of course. He starts taking and saying how his client, Brock, is going to defeat John at Summerslam. John is laughing and saying that he's going to give it all to defeat Brock but I can tell he's worried. And who can blame him? After all he is going against the beast incarnate.

I stop staring at the screen once the discussion is over. John walks out the arena and we are next after the commercial. Seth is silent and I know he's upset because of John. "Seth." I say slowly. He looks up, "Hmm?" He says. "I- uh-" I chicken out and don't tell him about my feelings and how confused I am. "We should get going." I get up and start to walk away cursing myself for not speaking up.

As Seth and I approach to where we are suppose to John appears. He's holding his WWE World Heavy Weight Championship, he looks at Seth and I and I feel my heart rate increase. I can't deal with them two surrounding me, I feel crowded even though it's just us three. John clears his throat and walks by us giving me a look.

"He should've at least say hey to you." Seth whispers as his music blasts on. I wait there patiently feeling my stomach twist and turn. There's boos on the crowd but I can imagine Seth is grinning like always. "Well hello there Cincinnati, Ohio." Seth chuckles. We got here this morning but we should be leaving by tomorrow.

The crowd boos and Seth laughs. "I'm glad to see you too! Just kidding." He laughs, I chew on my lip feeling my palms sweat again. "Anyways I'm not here to talk to talk about you, oh no. I'm here because I have something very important that's bothering me. As you may remember this happened on smackdown last Thursday."

They show a recap of me slapping Seth and the crowd cheers. "That's not funny! And let me just say I'm quite angry with that Bella twin. Who does she think she is slapping me? Seth Rollins. I am Mr. Money in the bank, I am the future of WWE. I am superior than her!" Seth sounds angry and I'll give it to him, he's good but I'm sure he is mad at me for real because of John.

"Of course this has consequences, I talked to Triple H and Stephanie and they granted me the power to do whatever I feel is best. But I can't make that decision without the person that caused all this mess. So Nikki Bella, get out here. Right now!"

This is it. I wait for my music to hit, I walk out slowly. Seth is in the ring making an angry face. The crowd is having mixed emotions and I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest. I enter the ring slowly and face Seth. "At least you made the smart choice to come out here." Seth speaks in the microphone. They hand me a microphone and I take it.

"As you know, you made a terrible mistake to slap me." He says, "Actually I think it was the best mistake I ever made." The crowd cheers and I grin. "Oh! Trying to have an attitude huh? You're just making this worse by the minute, Bella. You know I can fire you right? I have that power because I am part of the authority." The crowd boos.

"Shut up!" He screams. "Okay so what's my punishment? Am I going in handicap matches? Am I getting suspended-?" Seth interrupts me. "Even better, you are becoming my assistant." I make a face and Seth grins. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You are my assistant until I feel like it." He laughs and I frown. "Im not being No Ones assistant." The crowd agrees with me. "Oh really? It's either that or, how would Stephanie say it? Oh that's right! You're fired." I gulp and look around the arena. "So you decide Nikki. Either you're my assistant or you can get going and leave. Come on be smart! Pick my offer and be my assistant. Deal?"

The crowd is screaming "No! No! No!" But I know what I'm suppose to do because it's part of he storyline. "Deal." I say slowly on the microphone. Seth laughs, "You did the right thing, Bella!And oh by the way, you can't compete in the Divas Royal Rumble to determine the number one contender for the divas champion." This was part of this, I had to give up my chance to be against Aj. But it was worth it because now I have this storyline. It was worth it, right?

"You can't do that!" I scream. "Yes, I can. I have the power to do that. It's what you get for being bad." He grins and I make an angry face. "You can't-!" He interrupts me. "I'm the future of WWE, I can do whatever I please." His music starts to play and I try to walk out the ring but he stops me. "I go first." I roll my eyes as he walks out the ring first. I follow him behind and people are booing him.

Once we are backstage Mark approaches us. "Great job!" He says and Seth and I smile proudly. "You two will have one more appearance tonight, and that's near the end. You have a match tonight Seth so be ready for that." He walks away leaving Seth and I standing there alone.

"You're a good actor, you sounded like you hated me." I say, "It wasn't acting." He says, I frown feeling hurt. "I'm just kidding my beautiful Bella!" He hugs me and I gasp feeling surprised. He lets me go, "Sorry I got carried away. But I'm kidding I don't hate you. You know I love me some Nicole." I smile like an idiot as I feel butterflies.

Oh this night is just getting started.

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