Part 14

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These two weeks I've been gone, I've been doing nothing but training. Today I'm coming back on Raw. I haven't fought in a couple of weeks so it's going to be great being back.

"Let's check your weight." My trainer says. I feel sweat underneath my arms and my forehead. I'm nervous. I've been running extra, been exercising more to loose some weight. "You lost two pounds." He says, I feel a rush of joy but his face doesn't show happiness.

"Is it bad?" I ask bitting my lip. "Nikki you have to have a balanced weight. Loosing weight is great but will that affect your strength?" I think about that match I had with Emma and how I felt like fainting and Emma is not even heavy. But I just shake my head no, "It won't affect anything." I say and he looks unsure but nods anyways.


After the girls leave the locker room and are done squealing about how happy they are I'm back I walk down the hall. I see Seth and I'm about to walk over there when I see him standing with a girl I've never seen before. Tall, skinny, her skin color is the perfect tan, her eyes are a bright pretty ocean blue and she's got the body of a godness.

My mouth goes dry, and I feel the need to punch a hole through the wall. "I'm so glad to see you!" He says giving her a hug. "Me too, Colby! I've missed you." Oh. Colby. She calls him by his real name so they must know each other in depth. "I've missed you too, Leighla." He pokes her cheek and I feel like I've been punched in the gut. He does that to me all the time! And now he's doing it to her!?

"Good luck on your match." She gives him a kiss on the cheek dangerously close to his lips. He grins, "Thank you!" She walks away to seat in the audience and I turn the other way back to the locker room. I sit in the bench staring at the wall angrily. Why am I even angry? He can do whatever he wants. He can poke any girls cheek he wants to. So why am I feeling this?


My match against Cameron was good. Well to me it was since I won. I took out all my anger on her. Every single ounce.

We enter the hotel, John gives me a kiss before he takes off to his room to shower. I get in the elevator, the door is about to close when Seth steps in. I make a disgusted noise and look away. "What's wrong but with you, Bella?" He asks.

I don't answer and pretend I don't hear him. "I know you hear me. Don't ignore me, Nicole." He pokes my cheek and I look at him angrily. It's hard to control my tempter with him around. "Don't touch me." I say. "Why not? You love it when I poke you." He pokes me again.

"You know I hate it." I say moving away. "It's love-hate." He does it again and I turn to face him, "Why don't you go poke your little friend?" As soon as I see his face expression, I regret saying it.

"My little friend? What little friend?" I turn around and start pressing random buttons so the elevator would stop. The elevator makes a really stupid noise and the lights flicker on and off for a few seconds. Seth looks at me and we both know what just happened.

"Oh, no, no, no!" I scream knocking on the elevator. "Hey, hey, Bella. Beating on the door is not going to get us out." He says grabbing my hand, I pull it away. "We are trapped! Here!"

"It's not the worst thing in the world." He says calmly. "Being stuck with you in an elevator is the worst thing in the world." He puts his hand on his heart and pretends I hurt him, "Come on, Nicole. Being trapped with me is not the worst thing in the world."

I laugh and then curse myself because I'm suppose to be mad at him. "See I made you laugh!"

"No. That wasn't a laugh." I say, "Then what was it? Oh let me guess it was your throat making an odd noise." I laugh again and he smiles, "I like your laugh, Nicole. It's joy to my ears." He stares at me for a bit and then looks away like if he got embarrassed for staring too long.

"We are still stuck here." I tell him remembering the fact that we are still trapped. He sits down on the floor, "Rollins what are you doing? You do realize that we are TRAPPED right? And you're just sitting there all calm!"

"Well worrying isn't going to solve anything now is it? Come on and take a seat next to me." He taps the floor beside him, "Okay. But only cause I'm tired." I sit next to him and we stay in silence for minutes.

"What little friend are you talking about? I'm curious." I thought he'd forget about that, I guess not. "Umm, nothing forget it." I say feeling my cheeks burn. "Come on tell me." He pokes my side and I writhe. "Stop doing that!"

"Not until you tell me." I finally give up when I can't take his stupid poking. "Fine! That girl that was with you backstage." He looks at me intensely and a smile appears on his face, "Is Nicole Garcia jealous?" I gasp loudly.

"What?! No! I have a boyfriend!" I say, he smirks. "Yeah well you seem pretty jealous to me." I groan, "I'm not jealous. Okay?" He smiles and nods, "Yeah okay, okay."

"Uh. Whatever." He keeps smiling, this is driving me insane! "Stop smiling! Why are you so happy? This is just - you're just-! Ugh!" I get up, "Why are you standing?" He asks looking up.

"Because I don't want to sit next to you anymore." I say putting my hand on my hip and looking down at him. "Well this is an excellent view for me." He winks and I blush. "Perv!" I lean into the wall in front of him. "Well you were right there in front of me, couldn't help it."

We hear a noise and the lights flicker on and off again. "Is it working?" I ask walking over to press a button. When I do the elevator starts to move. Thank God! "Aww they fixed it so quick. We were having so much fun."

"Speak for yourself, Rollins. Those were the worst minutes of my life." The elevator door opens and I walk out. "Well to me those were the most wonderful minutes of my life," he grins and I put my hair behind my ear. "See you around Nicole , and don't get too jealous!" The elevator door closes, "I'm not even jealous!" I scream, but I don't think he heard me.

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