Part 48

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"What's wrong, Paige?" I ask as she runs faster on the treadmill. "Nothing." She says. "Oh you're such a bad liar." I say picking up weights. "I'm just so nervous." She runs even faster. "Paige slow down."

"Summerslam is tomorrow. Oh my God. What if I can't defeat Aj? After all she's a very good wrestler, she's been here longer than I have and I'm scared." Now that I think about it, that must be nerve breaking for Paige. "I can't believe two weeks went flying like that, but don't worry you got this." I give her a grin and she smiles. "Thank you pumpkin." She stops running and wipes her sweat, "Aren't you nervous about Seth?"

"Yeah. I know Dean and him are friends but it's still a match and anything can happen." I put the weights down and drink some water. "It'll be fine. He's going to do just fine." She then goes and starts doing jumping jacks. "Ooh! Hello ladies." Aj says walking in. Paige gives me a look as she keeps doing jumping jacks. "Well hello." Paige says smiling. "Are you getting ready for tomorrow darling?" She asks her as she begins stretching.

"Yeah, I gotta be at my best." Paige says with a smirk. "Oh yeah, I bet. After all you are going against the Divas Champion." She grins and I roll my eyes. "Mhmm." Paige says. "Where's your lover lover?" She asks as she begins working out. As she says that Dean walks in the gym, Paige grins looking in my direction. "Oh there he is!" Aj says. "That's not my lover." I say with a chuckle. Dean raises an eyebrow looking at us, "Oh right right, it's just that the ex shield members are always together and it gets me confused." She smiles sweetly and I wonder how she goes from perky to crazy mode.

"Seth and I look nothing alike." Dean says looking at Aj. "I know but still." She says, "I'm more hot than Seth aren't I?" Dean winks at Paige and I. "Oh please!" I say grabbing my stuff, "It's true! You know it." He says. "Are you ready to leave?" I ask Paige who nods her head. "Aww, leave? So early? I needed some motivation to work out."

"Dean you're such a flirt." Paige says fake punching him. "What can I say? I can't help to flirt with beautiful ladies." He pinches Paige's cheeks and she chuckles. "Yeah okay, see you later Ambrose." She says grabbing her stuff as well. "Bye bye, Dean!" I say walking by him. "Byeeeeeeeeeee." He says. "So are Dean and you-?" Paige cuts me off before I finish.

"Oh no! I'll admit it, Dean is hot I mean like super hot but no, I don't like him like that. And he doesn't like me like that either. We're just friends, you know we play around and stuff. I feel like my heart belongs to somebody else." She sighs and looks at the ceiling. "And who will that be?" Curiosity creeps on me. "You'll find out soon! But I can't say anything just yet. But I promise once I'm sure about my feelings you'll be the first to know."


"Wow! Talk about stunning!" Seth tells me whistling. "Oh shush." I say smiling. "I'm serious." He hugs me like he hasn't seen me in forever. "Let's get going, Princess." He opens the car door for me. "What's this?" I ask grabbing a flower that's right beside the seat I'm sitting in. "It's for you." He says putting on his seatbelt. I take the flower and smell it. It smells absolutely amazing, it's the same color it always is .. Periwinkle.

"Where do you even get these flowers?" I ask him, "It's a secret." He says as he begins to drive away. "Hmm okay. But tell me, Mr. Rollins are you ready for tomorrow?" He smiles, "Oh yes. I'm ready. As long as you are right there by ringside." He grabs my hand while he keeps the other one on the steering wheel. "I'll be there." I say giving him a small smile.

Minutes later we arrive at a store. We are in Los Angeles, California where Summerslam is going to be. This place is incredible. The streets are beautiful here, Seth opens the car for me and helps me out. We are walking down the street to a store and I step on something. "Crap." I say looking at my heel. "Oh let me get that." Seth pulls out a napkin from his pocket and bends down to take off the gum I stepped on.

"Who carries napkins in their pockets?" I ask laughing. "They're for emergencies like this." He says smiling and looking up. I hear some flash and look at a photographer snapping pictures of us. Seth grabs the gum with the napkin and gets up. "Oh gosh." I say covering my face. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I didn't think you would want to be seen with me." I whisper.

"Stop being silly! Why wouldn't I want to be seen with the beautiful Nicole Garcia?" He smiles. I uncover my face and laugh lightly. More photographers have gather around us and they keep snapping pictures of us. Seth waves at the camera as we walk by them. "Excuse me? Seth, are you two dating?"one of the asks. "Well I'm working on it." Seth answers with a wink.

I wave goodbye to the photographers as we enter the store. Seth throws away the napkin before we walk in. "I didn't think there would be any paparazzi's around here." I say, "Well Summerslam is tomorrow, you know they're trying to get juicy stories." He says. "I got a feeling we're going to be that juicy story." I say looking out the window, there still taking pictures. "Me too. But you know what?" He asks. "What?"

"We should give them something to talk about." He smirks, "What do you mean?" He grabs me by the waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek dangerously close to my mouth. "I'm pretty sure they got that on camera." I say smiling. "That's why I did it. We're teasing them." He whispers in my ear. "So you don't mind being seen with me?" I ask, "Not one bit."

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