Part 38

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"Oh my goshhh! That was awesome. You're so lucky to have a storyline like that!" Cameron says as I enter the locker room. "Right? I like it." I say with a smile. "How long will it last?" Nattie says tying up her hair. I shrug, "No clue. I suppose until Brie is back." Crap. Brie! I haven't even called her to tell her, I know she's watching Raw right now.

"I'm glad she's feeling better, I talked to her the other day." Paige says. "Yeah me too. Hopefully she will recover soon because I know she's anxious to get in the ring." I say. "So am I!" Nattie says. "I hate that I can't be included in the Divas Royal Rumble." I say with a sigh. "Don't worry you'll get your chance, eventually." Naomi says.

"I had a chance the other night and I failed." I hit myself on the head. "It wasn't your fault. Maybe it wasn't your time." Cameron says. "Yeah, I guess. But anyways good luck ladies!" I tell them as they get ready. "Thank you, pumpkin!" Paige says. The girls give me a hug as they walk out to get their makeup done.

I walk out and wait for Seth to appear. Where does he hide? Who knows. "Nicole." I turn around and see John. "Hey." I whisper. "I see you did the storyline." He sounds hurt. I nod slowly, "Nicole. I'm tired of waiting. Okay? I'm tired of this. Either you tell me right now or-"

"John, you're pressuring me." I say. "Pressuring you? Nicole, I feel terrible! How can I just stand here if I feel like I'm slowly losing you and I can't do anything about it? Tell me, how am I suppose to stay calm when I feel like I'm losing the love of my life?" He pulls me in closer. "John-"

"Nicole, please. Stop making me wait, please. I'm tired." He closes his eyes for a few seconds then opens them again. "Here is not the time to talk. We are backstage, this needs to be in private. Okay?" He lets me go. He sighs, "Tomorrow, before we get on the bus we go eat and talk." He gives me a hug and then walks away. I feel tears come to my eyes, this is so hard for me. I don't know what to do!

"Awww, first you don't get to participate in the Divas royal rumble and now you're having trouble with your boyfriend. Ah. So sad." Aj says skipping by me. I swear she's a lunatic, she's crazy!

I ignore the comment and sit down on the bench and watch what's going on in the arena. Minutes later I hear Ajs music hit and she skips all the way to the commentary table. Then the divas come out for the rumble. It's Nattie, Foxy, Summerae, Layla, Paige, Emma, Rosa, Naomi and Cameron. I sigh sadly because I wish I could be there. And I wish I looked like them. Skinny and perfect. I look down at my stomach, it's nowhere near as perfect as theirs.

"Are you sad you couldn't compete?" Seth asks as he sits down beside me. I nod slowly. "Aww, cheer up Bella. You'll get your chance. You're very talented and I'm can predict that you're soon going to be Divas Champion." He pokes my side making me wiggle. "You really think so?" I ask with a smile.

"I know so." Seth tells me with a big smile. The match lasts a few minutes and Paige is the winner. She laughs as she points at Aj who's staring her down. "You won't take this from me Paige!" Aj screams as she leaves. "See you at summerslam, Aj!" Paige says with a grin.

Seth's music hits. "Ready?" He says and I nod. We walk out together and this feels so odd. Especially walking out with somebody else's music. Seth walks ahead of me like he's suppose to and I'm walking behind. I walk in the ring with him as he waits for his opponent.

Gold and stardust come out. They're so odd. "The following match is schedule for one fall. Introducing first accompanied with Nikki Bella, from Davenport, Iowa weighting 217 pounds.. Mr. Money in the bank. Seth Rollins!" Seth raises his briefcase and the crowd boos but he grins. "His opponent accompanied with Goldust, from the fifth dimension weighting 220 pounds . . Starrrrdust!" Stardust runs around the ring like a weirdo.

Seth takes off his shirt and hands me the briefcase. "You could give me a kiss for good luck." Seth whispers with a smirk. My eyes widen as as I step out the ring holding his stuff.

The match lasts a few minutes and Seth is pretty much in control the hole time. He's about to curb stomp Stardust when Deans music blasts on. Dean comes out angrily and Stardust immediately gets out of the ring. Seth tries to get out but Dean starts beating him. The disqualification bell rings and I panic just standing there.

I don't know how they can do this when they get along so well. Seth punches Dean but Dean immediately recovers. He ends up doing dirty deeds on Seth and Seth slowly rolls out the ring. I grab Seth before Dean can reach him again. With lots of trouble Seth manages to walk as he puts his arm around me for support. He rubs his face in pain.

"This is not over Rollins! I will destroy you at Summerslam!" Dean screams in the microphone he then throws the microphone out of the ring and his music starts to play. Seth is screaming and I hold him back.

"Woah! What was that part of the show?" I say as we walk backstage. Seth sits down and as I sit beside him touching his nose. He winces, "Ouch it hurts. And no, I had no clue Dean was coming out but hey it's Raw and anything can happen on Raw." Seth and Dean have been on this rivalry storyline for a few weeks now.

"Do you want me to get you ice?" I ask, he shakes his head no. "Nah, I'll be fine. Dean has done dirty deeds on me so many times I'm so used to it." He laughs and I chuckle. "Oh, Rollins. You're something else." He looks into my eyes for a few seconds and then takes out a periwinkle flower from his briefcase and hands it to me.

"No, no, Bella. You are something else."

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