Part 41

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"Let's take a selfie!" I tell Paige and Emma. They get beside me and Paige does the duck face while Emma sticks her tongue out. "This has to go on Instagram, I look hot." Paige says. "Hmm okay, I'll post it even though I look ew." Emma smacks me. "You look hot, Kay?"

"Okay, Emma." I say rolling my eyes. "We should go out tonight again." Paige says putting her hair down. "Oh God. I feel so sick." Emma says sitting down rubbing her stomach and head. "That's why you shouldn't drink too much." I say. "I don't even want to wrestle tonight." she says throwing her head back. "Too badddddddd! You're going against me tonight so be ready." Paige says with a grin.

Emma rolls her eyes and gets up to get her stuff. "Agh, well I'm going to look for Mark and Jane. I don't know if Seth and I are going to come out tonight." I say. "Most likely y'all are." Paige says. I shrug and walk out. I keep rethinking of what Seth said last night. But it was obviously because he was drunk.

"Oh Nicole! Seth and you are going to come out first. Seth's making a speech about Ambrose." Mark says, I nod my head as he walks away. I stand there chewing on my lip nervously. Next thing I know Seth is walking to me. I panic hardcore and try to walk the opposite way. But end up bumping into Ambrose.

"Ouch." I say because it feels like I've hit a wall. "Watch where you're going, little lady." He says with a smile. "Sorry I was just umm- like walking and stuff."

"Well hello Nicole," Seth says behind me. I turn around and see Seth there. "Well hi." I say slowly. "Gosh, Dean. Why did you let me drink so much?" Seth rubs his temples. Dean laughs, "It was funny man! You should've seen yourself. Right Nikki?" He elbows me lightly and I nod.

"You were pretty drunk." I say, Seth shakes his head. "Oh Gosh, I can imagine how stupid I acted. I'm sorry Nicole." I clear my throat, "It's Nikki, Rollins. Nikki."

"Oh right right I forgot, Nicole." Seth grins and I roll my eyes. "Whatever, oh and just to let you know you're going to be speaking tonight." I start to walk away, and Dean whistles. "Hey! Watch it, Ambrose." Seth tells Dean and Dean laughs. "Woah, calm down." He walks by me and gives me a smile.

Seth then catches up to me and starts walking beside me, "Do you want me to get you some Tylenol? Or something?" Seth nods, "Yeah, that'll be nice. Thank you."

"Okay, hold on. I have them in my bag." I walk in the locker room and look for the pills in my bag. While I'm looking my phone buzzes. I pick it up and see that people have already commented in the picture I posted of Emma, Paige, and I.

I grab the pills and walk out where Seth is waiting for me. I hand him the bottle of pills and while he's taking out two pills I start reading comments.

"They look so pretty!" I smile to myself feelings flattered. But then I see another comment, "Gross. Nikki is so ugly. Paige is the real beauty :)" and then another one. "Oh my gosh! Emma and Paige look perfect! .. And then there's Nikki, yuck." My smile turns to a frown and I feel my chest tighten. "I miss Brie! She is the real talent and beauty! And btw Nikki is fat."

"Are you okay, Nicole?" Seth asks and I nod trying to hold my tears back. "I need to go to the bathroom." I whisper. "Wait-" I ignore his comment and walk to the bathroom. He's following me behind, I hear his footsteps but I walk faster. "Nikki is ugly with makeup. Just imagine her without makeup!" "Haha she's the fat twin"

The comments keep getting worse but I can't stop reading. "Nicole. What's wrong?" Seth is knocking on the bathroom door but I keep reading. I start to cry and look at myself in the mirror. Why am I so ugly? Why am I so fat? Why can't I be as perfect as Brie?

"Nicole? Are you crying?" Seth sounds concerned but I keep crying. I start to feel frustrated and I hate what I see in the mirror. Without thinking it I punch the mirror and it breaks. Seth walks in through the door and sees my bloody hand. I curl up in a tiny ball and start to sob. "Nicole!" He runs to me and hugs me as I cry. "What's wrong with you!?" I throw my phone across the floor. "I'm tired of those comments! I'm tired of feeling ugly and fat! I'm tired of it, Seth." He hugs me and He gulps.

"No, no, you're perfect. Okay?" He kisses my head and I hug him tighter. "No. All those people can't lie. They say I'm the fat twin and that I'm ugly. They can't be lying." I'm crying so hard that I feel like I'm dying. Literally. "Nicole, don't listen to them. Don't let them affect you, they have no idea how much their comments hurt you. That's why they say them, to bring you down don't let them bring you down. You're perfect, to me you are." He pulls away and makes me look into his eyes.

"I swear. I will dedicate my life to prove to you how unbelievably perfect you are."

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