Part 36

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I walk in her office and sit down. I chew on my lip nervously. Mark is also in here, they're sitting beside each other. "Well hello, Nicole." Mark says, I smile shyly and scared. "Hello, Mark."

There's a knock on the door and Seth walks in. I roll my eyes and look back at Jane and Mark. Seth sits beside me and I notice his cheek is still red from the slap. "Welcome, Mr. Rollins." Jane says. "Am I in trouble?" Seth asks quickly, "No. But I didn't like what you did." Mark says, I stare at Seth coldly. "He ruined my match." I say. Seth looks at me, "I did not!"

"Oh yes you did! You just walked out there and distracted me the WHOLE time!" Seth squints his eyes annoyed, "Me? I distracted you? I didn't even do anything! I literally stood there doing nothing! It wasn't my fault!"

"Oh my Gosh! It was your freak-" I'm cut off by Mark, "Hey! What is wrong with you two? Do you realize you are in Janes office? What kind of respect is that?" I look down at my lap because I totally forgot that we were here, with Mark and Jane. They're the ones that make decisions here along with Stephanie and Hunter.

"Sorry." Seth and I say at the same time. "Okay. Now tell me Seth, what the hell? Why did you just randomly come out with Aj? We never assigned that." Seth clears his throat and I feel my chest burn when he mentioned Seth coming out with Aj. "Well you see Mark, I was thinking that it could be interesting. Like you know how Nicole-"

"Nikki." I correct him, Seth smirks and I frown. He's such a clown. "My bad Nicole, Oops I meant Nikki, Anyways like I was saying Nikki and I were suppose to start a storyline and I thought this could be a start but then my storyline buddy slapped the hell out of me." Seth glares at me and I wrinkle my nose. "I swear I didn't mean to, but he made me mad and I just slapped him."

Mark claps and Jane grins. I look at Seth who is looking at them the same way I am. "That's fantastic!" Jane screams. "Fantastic?" Seth repeats. "Yes, this was a genius idea! And we didn't even plan it. It's amazing!" Mark says. "Yeah, amazing." Seth says looking at me still confused.

"This is a great way to start your storyline with, Seth." Jane tells me. "Really? And how's that going to work?" I say biting my lip nervously. "Alright so, you slapped Seth in front of the WWE universe and they loved it. They love this rebellious Nikki Bella, but think about it who is Seth Rollins?" Mark asks.

"Mr. Money in the bank." I say, Jane smiles. "Exactly. And he's in the authority, and you slapped Mr. Money in the bank who is part of the authority. Shouldn't that have consequences?" Seth nods, "Yes. Yes it should." I roll my eyes again. "Yeah so here's the storyline, Seth is making you his assistant to make you pay for the slap you gave him." Mark says.

"So I have to be his assistant?" I ask looking at Seth who is grinning. Oh God! Imagine me being Seth's assistant? Imagine what he would make me do? "I'm in." Seth say with a smirk, Jane and Mark look at me. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Okay, I'm in too." I say with a sigh.

"Awesome! It begins on Raw this Monday." Seth and I shake both Marks and Janes hand and leave their office. As soon as we are out the door I walk away but Seth catches up to me. "Aren't you just glad you're going to be my assistant?" He says. I roll my eyes AGAIN.

"You know what Rollins? You've made me roll my eyes so much today I've got a headache." I keep walking but he stands in front of me. "Get out my way." I say. "Woah there, that's not a nice way to say it."

I try to walk around him but he grabs me by my waist. I freeze feeling his hands on me. I'm still wearing my attire and his hands are pretty cold against my skin. "Let me go." I say even though I'm not sure I want him to. "Listen, I didn't mean to ruin your match. I'm sorry, I was just doing that to make you mad. I admit it, I was mad because I saw you hug Cena while ago." He lets go of me and his face expression completely changes.

"Seth, I- John and I-" he interrupts me. "Yeah I know, you two are engaged and you probably don't want me close but we have a storyline and I doubt we can ignore each other." He turns around to walk to the boys locker room. "And again, I'm sorry." He walks away and I want to tell him I am not engaged with John but I have a headache and I don't feel like explaining why I haven't said yes to John. That'll be like admitting to him that I like him. And I'm scared to admit it. I'm scared to admit it to myself.

I walk in the locker room and see the girls there. "Damn! You slapped Seth! Why?" Eva asks, the girls surround me. "Did you get in trouble?" Paige asks. "What did Seth say?" Emma says. "Why did you slap him? That's what I want to know." Cameron says, "He distracted her she screamed it out loud." Nattie says and now I remember that I was screaming at Seth in the arena in front of everybody.

"Okay girls calm down. Let me explain. I have a storyline with Rollins, the slap was part of the storyline." I kinda lied because the slap wasn't even in it, it was just a bonus. "Storyline?" Paige says. "Yes. Storyline."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Nattie says. "I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise!" The girls chuckle. "Mmm, girl you lucky. You have a storyline with Mr. Hotness!" Cameron says. "For real, Seth is mmmm." Eva says. I elbow her lightly. "He's not even that hot." I say even though I know damn well Rollins is hot. "Whatever you know he is." Paige says with a smirk.

"Does John know?" Nattie asks. Oh, John. "I told him I was going to do it. But I don't know, he didn't want me to. I'm still going to do it though."

"Have you thought what you're going to tell him?" Eva says, I shake my head no. "I have no clue."

But something deep inside tells me I know the answer.

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