Part 6

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Today we have a photoshoot. Brie gets into a tiny skirt and a crop top. She looks absolutely stunning, her stomach so flat and everything about her is just perfect. "Nikki hurry up." Brie says, I walk in the changing room and close my eyes. I don't want to try it on. I just don't. "Can't I wear something else?" I scream to Brie, "We are twins! Obviously not!" she says. I groan and try them on.

As soon as I'm in the mini skirt I regret eating cereal this morning. I shouldn't have ate. Anything. Tears fall from my eyes and I curse myself because my makeup is going to get ruined. I wipe my tears and walk out with a fake smile. Brie and I walk to the beach where our photoshoot is at, for some reason they like us Bellas in the beach.

As we are waiting for the photographer to get ready Brie is smiling very big. "Why so smiley?" I ask her. "I feel great in this!" She says opening her arms feeling the wind. Too bad I can't say the same. "Yeah." Is all I tell her scratching my head awkwardly.

We pose for our picture and our trainer is here too. The photographer snaps one picture and the trainer stops him. "We have a problem." He says. I bite my lip, I know it's coming. "Nikki, I told you what you had to do." He says. I just nod and look down at the sand.

"You know you and Brie got signed to WWE because you two are identical beautiful twins , yall didn't get signed just because of your talent. And you two must look identical, and honestly Nikki you're letting me down." I get a lump in my throat and don't even dare to look at him or Brie. I've let them down.

"So are you saying I'm fat?" I ask looking at him. "Nikki that's not what I meant. You know that. You're just a little bigger than Brie." A little bigger? He's obviously calling me fat but he's not trying to make it sound that bad. "You know what? I try okay? Trust me, I try hard. I do exercise, I watch what I eat and I do everything you tell me. It's not my fault I'm bigger than her!" without realizing I'm screaming and his face gets red.

"Listen I don't have time to argue with you, you're not a little kid anymore. You're a professional. You better get with the program ni-" I walk away as he's talking I can't take this anymore. "Nikki, Nikki get back here. Nicole Garcia!" He's screaming but I don't care right now. I sit down in a bench far away from them.

I'm crying because it hurts. It's not my fault. I swear it's not. I try so so hard to be perfect but I just can't. I start to feel guilty and touch my stomach. Then I lean over some trash can and begin puking the cereal I ate.

"Throwing up again? You know that's not normal, you should see a doctor." I wipe my mouth and my tears so he won't see. "What the hell are you doing here Rollins?" I ask sitting back down in the bench avoiding eye contact. "I have a photoshoot like you do, I mean we all do and I was just walking around trying to waste time. Why are you puking again? Don't tell me you're pre-"

"No! How can you think that." I say cutting him off. "Well either that or you've got a tummy virus." He says taking a seat next to me. I'm looking down at the sand and I feel the tears in my eyes again, them traitors are threating to spill from my eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Nicole?" He asks elbowing me lightly. A tear falls from my eye and my chin quivers. "Oh you're crying! No, no, why?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know."

"You can't just cry because of nothing Bella." He tells me. "I'm just tired." I tell him. "Tired of what?" I shrug again, "I don't know."

"Come on Bella, you do know. And you know it." He pokes my side and I move to the side. "Stop that Rollins I don't like being poked." I say, he pokes me again and I smack him.

"Didn't I just-" he pokes me again and again. "Rollins! Stop that!" I scream. He pokes me again and I get up, "Stop poking me!!!" He grins, "Why are you grinning?" I scream annoyed

He stands up and wipes the tears that were on my cheeks, "Because at least you're not crying anymore. You're mad but not sad. Feel me?" His fingers are cold and soft. "You're so annoying, Rollins." I say as he moves his hands away from my face. He chuckles, "Yes I know. But it's nice to annoy you." He winks at me and for some odd reason I feel flattered.

"I have to go do my photoshoot. I'll see you around, and if you feel like crying again just think of my annoying self poking you, okay?" He says looking me in the eyes. I bite my lip trying not to smile, "Yeah, okay Rollins."

"Bye bye Nicole." He says waving with a grin. "It's Nikki!" I say as he walks away, and the thing is I'm smiling as I say that. Seth Rollins has managed to make me smile.

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