Part 22

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"Hello?" Brie picks up her phone. "Hey Brie." I say putting my hair behind my ear. "Hey Nicole!" She says happily. "What's up? How's your injury?" I ask looking at the wall. "Eh, I'm doing better. I miss being in the ring though. And how about you?"

I take a deep breath, I have to tell somebody. And who's better than my twin sister, right? She will understand, right? "I have something to tell you something. But you can't judge me or start talking crap."

"Nicole you know how I am- I am most likely going to fuss you out." It's true, but at this point I don't care. "I'm doing a storyline with Seth." She doesn't answer for a few seconds. "Does John know?" She finally says.

"Yes but he doesn't approve it. I told Jane last night that I would do it like absolutely do it and I haven't told John, I kept avoiding him when I got to the hotel. This morning before he could come to my room I decided to come to the gym instead."

"Nicole you can't avoid him forever." She says. "And by the way that was very wrong of you. You should've first talked to John about it. You two are a couple for a reason. Yall have to communicate. Honestly, I don't approve it either."

"What? Why not? What's wrong with a storyline? That's more fame, more success. It's not even a couple storyline thing. I'm just going to do matches with him and that's it." She sighs, "But those things can lead to other things. Remember what happened to Bryan and I? We fell in love through our storyline. Maybe Johns afraid the same thing will happen with you and Seth." I haven't really thought of that.

"That's not going to happen." I whisper looking down at my feet. "You don't know that. After all it is Seth Rollins." She says, "What's wrong with Seth?" I ask biting my lip.

"Nothing. That's the problem. He's handsome, young, single, and a total flirt! You can easily fall for him." I laugh nervously, "I would never fall for him! That's so silly!" I say but deep inside I'm not sure of that. "Just be careful, and you have to tell John soon. And I mean soon Nicole because I know you and I'm pretty sure you're going to wait until the last minute." Oh Brianna knows me so well.

"Okay, okay. But I have to go work out. I'll text you later, alright? And please don't tell nobody about the storyline and stuff."

"I won't tell nobody, and okay bye I love you." Before she hangs up I say, "Bye love you too, Brie."

I put my hair up in a ponytail and start to stretch. I'm glad nobody's here in the gym yet, I like it all to myself. I bend down and touch my toes, my muscles start to stretch and I close my eyes feeling relaxed. "Mmm mmm, isn't that a nice view." I open my eyes quickly and get up startled. "Don't scare me like that perv!"

"Oh, Bella didn't you hear me come in?" Seth says with a smirk. "No, I thought I was going to have the gym to myself but I see not." I say giving him a look. "Oh well excuse me, I didn't know this was Nicole Garcia's gym." He says with a smile and I groan, "I hate your sarcasm and smart little comments, Rollins." He laughs as I walk over to the weights.

"You know you love it." He says beginning to stretch. "No, I don't. In fact it's quite annoying." He looks at me as I pick up then weights. "Isn't that what I like to do though? Annoy you? Because you know I love it. Especially how you wrinkle your wittle nose, and how you roll your eyes and either flip your hair or put it behind your ear. Then your cheeks get hot with anger or embarrassment. But it's cute, and lovely." My knees behind to shake a little and I can feel my heart beating in my stomach. Is that even possible?

I almost drop the weights and he gets them off my shoulders and puts them back down. "Woad did I flatter you that much that your knees turned to jelly, Nicole?" He says close to ear, his breath smells like mint and I shiver at how close he is to me. "It's Nikki. And no- no, that didn't even flatter me." But it did and I can feel my cheeks begin to redden.

"Then why are you turning pink, Bella?" His breath hits my neck and I get goosebumps all over. "It's because I was lifting weights!" I say stepping away from him. "Oh well you only picked it up for like a millisecond."

"Because you're distracting me, Rollins." I say walking to the treadmill. "Sorry I'm distracting you with my hotness." He says as he picks up the weights I was picking up, he picks them up like they're nothing. He just throws them over his shoulders like its paper. He begins to squat down and his muscles flex, I try not to look at his biceps but you can see them through his shirt.

"Oh please you wish." I finally said realizing what he had said while ago. I turn on the treadmill and start to run. "Aren't you going to fast?" Seth asks, I shake my head no but sweat is already going down my spine. I want to sweat. To loose weight. I need to be as skinny as Brie, and Eva and Cameron and all the divas.

After running for fifteen minutes I sit down tired, my mouth is dry and I feel like everything is moving too fast. I didn't eat last night and I'm feeling light headed. Seth puts the weights down and walks over to his gym bag and takes out a bottle of water. He sits next to me and hands it to me. "I told you, you were going to fast. Look you're even pale." He says. I open the water bottle my hand shaky and drink out of it, in a few seconds the water bottle is half empty. "Sorry." I whisper. "It's okay, I don't mind. Drink more if you want." I drink two more sips. "Feel better?" He asks me and I nod.

"Don't work out too much. Especially right now, it's only 7:30 a.m. Have you even eaten anything?" I lie and nod. "Well apparently you didn't eat enough."

"I did." I lie again. "Hmm okay." He grabs the water bottle and drinks out of it. "I just drank out of that." I say as he swallows, he shrugs "And?"

"Don't you mind I put my mouth on it?" I ask, "No, because you're Nicole." I roll my eyes, "It's Nikki, Rollins." He smirks. "Yeah whatever, Nicole."

He gets up and stretches his hand and helps me up. "I'm going to get a coffee with Dean and Roman. Want to come join us?" He asks and he still hasn't let go of my hand. I shake my head and pull away because I'm starting to feel tingly again, "No thanks, I'm going to go back to my room." He grabs his gym bag. "Who knew Nicole would say thanks? I didn't know you were that polite." He grins, "Ah whatever Rollins." I say with a small smile.

"See you later Nicole, stay beautiful like always." He walks out and I feel my tummy twist and turn. He said I was beautiful. I realize he left his water bottle where his gym bag was and I walk over to get it. As I'm reaching down to get it beside the water bottle there's a periwinkle flower.

I smile as I take it along with the water bottle. I hate myself for feeling these things when I'm around Seth. It's things I can't explain in words.

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