Part 26

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Monday night raw is always the best. It's amazing and I love it. I get into my attire and wait for my call. As I'm standing waiting I see John walk out of the lockeroom. He looks at me for a few seconds but I look away. It sucks having to see him here. And the thing is there's no way around it. It's only been three days and I already feel empty. Maybe it's because I'm used to having him with me. The thing is I'm hurt but I'm not. It's weird but there's at times when I think I'll be just fine with this "break" and then there's times. when I think I'm not going to make it. After all John and I have been together almost two years.

John suddenly disappears somewhere and I watch from backstage as Seth walks in the arena. He's walking to the ring and he's wearing his shirt that says 'SR' which stand for Seth Rollins. He grabs a microphone and starts to speak. "It's good to be here on Monday night Raw! Honestly I feel great. I'm loving this feeling. You know what else I'm loving? The fact that I can still cash in this baby," he holds up his briefcase in the air and there's some boos and some cheers. But mostly boos. "I am the future of WWE. Have Yall heard that? I know I say it every time I come out here but man I never get tired of repeating it." He grins at the camera and I get chills cause it feels like he's in front of me. Grinning at me.

"I am a very talented wrestler, I won money in the bank. HHH and Stephanie McMahon are giving me a shot at the world heavy weight championship. Isn't it great?" He says with a laugh. "Man I'm so going to win that." there's boos and he looks at the audience. "Do you all don't think I can do it? I can! I sure can! I can beat anybody back there in the locker room. ANYBODY! And whoever thinks that can beat me is wrong. I dare one of you to come out here and say something. I dare you."

I bite my lip nervously please don't be John. Please don't. My heart sinks as I hear Johns music. The crowd stands up and Seth makes an angry disgusted face which I'm sure is not fake. John runs to get ring angrily. "I'm tired of your bullshit. I'm tired of your stupid little speeches. You are not the future of the WWE, you only won that briefcase because of Kane. You can't defend yourself without having the freaking authority stick their nose in. I'm sick and tired of all this talking. If you think you can beat anybody, beat me." Johns voice sounds angry and he stares at Seth a way I've never seen him look at anybody.

I gulp as Seth's nose wrinkles. He's beyond pissed. "Okay Cena, I'll show you I can beat your ass. I'll do it for me and for-" he stops and my heart races I know he's thinking about saying my name. I cover my mouth from stopping my screaming. "For who?" John asks. Seth grins wickedly, "For the authority of course." I uncover my mouth and take a deep breath I'm so glad he didn't say my name. Johns face turns red and he takes off his shirt along with Seth.

The Match starts and it's so intense. I hate watching this. Even though I shouldn't care about Seth a tiny part of me dies and every time John hits him it kinda worries me. John is taking control of the match, he's pushing, punching, and kicking Seth. Even though Seth tries every time he's about to hit him John finds a way to hurt him. Seth is on the floor and John is across waiting for Seth to get up. John runs to Seth and does an FU, he tries to pin Seth. For a minute I think it's over but Seth kicks out at 2. John looks frustrated and he tries to do another FU on him but Seth rolls out of the ring trying to recover. John rolls out of the ring too and runs to Seth who wisely moves out of the way and John hits his shoulder hard on the steel steps.

The inside of my cheek is bleeding. Seth goes back in the ring and the referee strata to count. He counts to nine when John rolls back in the ring that's when Seth takes control. He's dominating him. John punches Seth but he kicks John in the face causing him to fall on his stomach. I already know what Seth is going to do.

Curb stomp. The referee and crowd count one two and three. Seths music hits as he puts his hand in the air in triumph. I walk away from the screen and sit down on a bench.


I wait for my opponent on the ring, tonight I'm wrestling Alicia Fox. She walks out and makes her way to the ring as I look at her. The match starts and I can't seem to concentrate. I try my best but I keep thinking about everything. How Seth told ugh- Leighla he liked me. John. The break. Seth. The feels I get when I'm with Seth. John. Seth. John. Seth. John. Seth.

My mind is just a mess and foxy takes advantage of that when she jumps from the highest rope and kicks me as hard as she can on my face. I close my eyes and see stars as she pins me. The referee counts one two and three. She won. I sit up and hold my jaw as I massage it. Fox walks away happily that she won and I hate it.

I don't mean to sound obsessive but I hate loosing a match. I hate it.

~I just made a trailer for this. Don't forget to check it out please & thank you!


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