Part 16

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"You're going to wrestle tonight?" I ask John, "Nah. Just gonna be talking." he says unlocking his car, "Are you going to take me, John?" he chuckles, "Of course silly, I'm not going to leave you here." he opens the car door for me. I get in and look out the window. "Who are you going agaisnt, Nikki?"

"No clue, yet."


I'm walking to Janes office to ask who I'm going to wrestle because for some reason she hasn't told me. "Oh Seth, you look so handsome in that." I hear somebody say in the corner, I stretch my neck and of course it has to be- ugh- Leighla. She runs her finger up and down Seth's stomach. I clench my fist.

"Thank you Leighla, you look very pretty. I'm glad you came again tonight!" he says excitely. I feel an odd hurting feeling in my chest, "How can I miss it? I love to watch you wrestle!" she says. Yeah right. And by 'I love to watch you wrestle' she means "I love watching your shirtless"

"I bet you do." he smirks and she giggles. Okay barf! I feel like throwing up watching this disgusting senario. "Oh come here you." she pulls him in for a hug, a really, really close hug. I'm talking about those hugs where every body part is touching.

I lean in more as I try to hear what she's whispering in his ear but I fail tripping over something and getting their attention. They look at me and I cough awkwardly. "My little spy." Seth says raising an eyebrow and looking at me intensely.

"I wasn't spying, I was just-" I look around trying to find an excuse. "Going to Janes office." Seth chuckles, "Janes office is down the hall to the right." I feel my cheeks heat up. He's always embarrasing me and making me blush! "Yeah but I heard noises and came to see, I didn't mean to interrupt the little moment." I say looking straight at- ugh- Leighla. "Oh no, no, you didn't interrupt anything." she says with a smile. Can she just not smile? At all?

"Oh well then." I say not knowing what else to say. "You're Nikki Bella, right?" well duh. "Yeah." she nods and looks at me, "Brie and you look so alike! At first I couldn't tell yall apart but now.." she glances at my chest and so does Seth, I clear my throat. "Brie and I look alike, but we are not identical on everything. Also if you haven't noticed Brie is thinner."

"You two are the same." Seth says, yeah right! "Seth is right, by the way you are even more gorgeous in person." Leighla tells me. Okay- so I'm trying to hate her here but she's being super nice to me, and now I feel so wrong because I want to break her neck. "Nikki?" Seth says and I realize that I'm staring at her. "Oh- umm, thank you very much." she just nods and smiles.

"Rollins." a voice says and we all jump, I turn around to see Ryback aka the big guy. Seth clears his throat and looks at me then at him. "Yeah?" Ryback clenches his fist, "I want a rematch." Seth looks at him confussed, "Rematch?"

"Yeah can't you hear? I want a rematch tonight." Seth still looks confused, "Why would you want a rematch?" Ryback takes a deep breath, this guy has anger problems, worst than Dean Ambrose, that should tell you something. "A few weeks ago, this little lady here," he points at me and I step back, he scares me. "Beat my partner, and I didn't think that was fair so I just want a match between you and I." Leighla looks at Seth and he's just staring at Ryback.

"Oh perfect, just who I wanted to talk to." Jane says coming behind Ryback. "Jane he wants a rematch. Thats pathetic it was weeks ago!" Seth says, "Yeah that's what I wanted to talk about. As you all know-" she stops and looks at Leighla. "Who is she? Why is she backstage?"

"Don't worry, Leighla can stay. She's a very close friend of mine." yeah I bet she is. "Okay, well like I was saying Ryback wants a rematch but the only way I can allow that is if Nikki and Aj are allowed in the match." Ryback looks furiously at Jane , "I don't want them in there! I just want Seth and I!"

"Hey, I would like to remind you I am in charge. Therefore I pick who's in what match. So Nikki and Seth agaisnt Ryback and Aj." Jane walks away and Ryback looks like he could punch the wall. I start feeling nervous, what is John going to say?


Aj and I start the match, something Ryback isn't too happy about. She's domintating me and I can't reach to tag Seth. I can't seem to concentrate. I elbow Aj in the neck and she lets go of me then I have enough time to tag Seth, when Aj tags Ryback he goes straight to punching him. He picks Seth up like nothing, and I bite my lip anxious. Seth manages to kick Ryback and he hits his head, he falls on his stomach. Seth then grins because he knows how to finish him off. As Ryback tries to get up from the corner Seth runs and does the curb stomp on him. He pins him down and we win the match. Aj jumps off the ring angrily and when Ryback comes back to his senses he's screaming and cursing.

We go backstage and Seth is very happy. "We won! Again!" he says, he grabs me and picks me up while hugging me. My eyes widen and I gasp, he puts me down and he's still grinning. "We woooonnn!"

"Why did you hug me?" I ask almost breathless. "Because I'm a hugger, and we won! Wooooo!" he opens his arms and looks at the ceiling, I smile when I look at him. He looks so happy and that makes me feel tingly inside. " Yeah we did." I say and he looks at me happily, "Oh and I wanted to give you something." he puts his brief case down on a table beside us. "What?" I ask even though I already know. He takes out a pretty periwinkle flower from his briefcase. "There you go."

I take it in my hands, "Do you give these to Leighla too?" I ask smelling it, I love the smell! "No, because they're one of a kind. Like you, Nicole." he smiles and I look down smiling. "Its Nikki, Rollins."

"Yeah, okay Nicole. But I'll see you later." he waves bye as he heads down to the lockeroom. My smile fades away when I see John walking towards me, I hide the flower behind me. "Are you mad?" I quickly ask before he says anything. "No, don't worry I'll fix everything tonight." he gives me a kiss on the lips and walks away. What does he mean by that?


I'm backstage looking at the tv, John approaches the ring. He starts talking about Brock Lesnar and everything but then he says something that catches my attention. "I would like to challenge someone, for a no discualification match," I bite my finger nail. I know its coming.

"Not tonight though, but next monday on Raw," he smiles and looks at the camera. "Mr. Money in the bank. Do you accept my challenge?"

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