Part 43

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I pick out the prettiest dress that I have. It's dark blue and has some sparkles, the back is opened and it's very elegant and cute. I start applying my makeup when Paige walks in through the door. "Oh, pumpkin. Where are you going all fancy? And oh gosh! What happened to your hand?" She walks in the bathroom where I'm at.

I haven't told anybody about the "date" except Brie, and she was happy for me. After all she doesn't judge me even though she's not really thrilled about Seth, but eventually she will end up liking him. "Oh I just kinda hurt my hand, no big deal. And I'm- I'm going out to eat dinner with Seth." I whisper, her mouth drops open. "Seth? Like Seth Rollins?" I nod, "But why would-" her mouth opens even wider. "He's the one! He's the guy that came along and changed your feelings for John, right? Oh my gosh!"

"Shhhh! You can't tell anybody about it, okay?" She nods smiling, "I won't say a word. But come here, let me help with your makeup cause you have to look super hot." I close my eyes as she puts on my eyeliner. "Do you think I'm moving too fast? I'm afraid people will judge me cause John and I just broke up."

"So? If you two broke up its obviously because it wasn't working, and it shouldn't be people's business anyways. Do what makes you happy." I smile, Paige always knows what to say. "Thank you, Paige." She hums, "You're welcome!" After she's done I open my eyes and see my eyeliner and eyeshadow. "Wow, you're good at this." I say admiring her work. She smiles proudly. "Why thank you, but don't forget the red lipstick. It will make you look even more hot." She puts some red lipstick on me.

Red is not really my color. I would say that's for other girls, like model type girls. But Paige's makeup is beautiful so I keep it. "Okay, so I have to meet Seth downstairs. Want to come with me?" I say quickly running to get my heels. "Yeah sure." She walks behind me as we approach the elevator.

When the elevator door opens I see Seth there with Roman and Dean. He's wearing a long sleeve button up shirt and dress pants. It's so odd not seeing him without his attire or regular clothes but I'll admit he looks just as gorgeous. "There's your girlfriend." Dean says with a smirk. I feel myself blush as I look at Paige who's also smirking.

Seth turns around and looks at me. He says hey to Paige and gives me a hug, "You look beautiful." He whispers in my ear and I smile shyly. "Well I'll just get going, do you think you're gonna sleep at our apartment tonight or-?" Paige raises an eyebrow and looks at Seth as Dean and Roman chuckle. I feel my hole face get hot as I give Paige a look.

"Hmm, I don't know. It depends right Nicole?" Seth smirks and I elbow him, "Hush, now." I say. "I'm just messing. I'll see you later pumpkin, bye guys! Bye Roman." She waves at us and walks away.

"You're going to love this place." Seth opens the car door for me and holds my hand as we walk. I feel like a teenage girl who's going out on her first date. The restaurant is fancy looking and very beautiful. We sit at a table, "What are you going to eat?" Seth asks. I look at the menu and I can't help to look at the calories. "I don't know." I say putting the menu down.

"Nicole." He says, I look at him. "Do you eat correctly?" I gulp feeling a nervous feeling creeping on me. "Yes. Why would you ask?" He looks into my eyes and I feel intimidated. "Because, I saw those rude comments and people said hurtful false stuff. You don't really believe that stuff do you?" I look down at my lap. "Nicole." He says sadly.

"I can't help it, Seth." He reaches over and grabs my hand, I stare at my other hand which is covered because of the bathroom "incident". "Come on, you can't really think that. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You're completely flawless! And I'm serious, ask anybody. Even Roman and Dean tell me that you're beautiful, because you are. And it's not just your appearance, you're beautiful on the inside too." He kisses my hand and I feel my eyes get teary.

"Why are you crying?" He wipes my tears. "Nobody has ever said something like that too me." I say with a sniffle. "Well trust me, it's true." He wipes my other tearsand I stop myself from crying more. If Paige saw me crying she would fuss me out, for ruining my makeup and because she doesn't like to see me cry.

"Do you really think so?" I ask and he nods. "Trust me, it's true. I'm not lying. Now come on and eat for me yes? Promise you won't ever stop eating or nothing like that." I feel my body get a little shaky, I feel fear creeping on me. I fear that if I start eating again I will start thinking of all the negative stuff. "I promise." I say in a shaky voice.

"I'll order you something good." Seth says. Minutes later we get out food. Seth ordered me some steak and some kind of rice. I look at the plate and then at Seth. He gives me this look and I have to remind myself that I promised, so I start eating. And at first I feel like I can't, but then it feels like I can't stop. And I keep eating because it feels like I haven't eaten in forever. "Do you like it?" Seth asks and I nod.

"I hope you enjoyed tonight like I did." Seth says as we reach my apartment door. "I enjoyed it very much." I say with a smile. "Thank you for a wonderful night my beautiful, Bella." He gives me a hug and I feel like I'm lost in his arms. Once he pulls away he looks down at me, "Do you remember how I was drunk last night?" I nod feeling my heart beginning to palpitate quick. "Do you remember what I said?"

"Yes." I say and it comes out like a whisper. "I wasn't lying." He leans in and gives me a kiss. "Goodnight beautiful." He walks away and I touch my lips. He wasn't lying.

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