1. The Hogwarts Express ~

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Authors note: hey readers! this is my first book that I've ever written on this app and I do hope you enjoy and as much as I did creating it 💞

y/n black's pov:
"Y/N ELIANA BLACK, GET DOWN HERE OTHERWISE YOU'LL BE LATE AND MISS THE TRAIN" My father yells from the bottom of the stairs. It's my first year at Hogwarts and I couldn't be more excited, I've heard so much about it and I just can't wait. I'll be a 5th year as I spent the last 4 years at Beauxbatons.

It was only my dad, Remus Lupin and I living at 12 Grimmauld place. My mum passed away when I was 4, due to lung cancer so I don't remember much about her but my dad shows me photos all the time

"COMING DAD, HOLD ON' I yell back getting my trunk when my Uncle Remus pops on the doorway

"Hey y/n, you ready for your first day at hogwarts?" He asks me as he takes my trunk out of my hands and begins to walk down the stairs.

"I'm really excited, I don't know what I expect to happen to be honest, I just hope to make good friends" I say while smiling and walking down the stairs. "Finally I thought I'd have to levitate you down if you didn't move any quicker" My father says with a grin. My dad and uncle both attended Hogwarts as well and had quite the reputation of, well, troublemakers.

"Ha ha very funny dad, now come on! Let's go already" I say and I grab onto my father and uncles hand as we apparate to Kings Cross Station. I have my trolley in front of me with my father on my left and my uncle on my right.

We all run towards the wall in between platforms 9 and 10 and like magic ;), we end up at the most famous platform 9 3/4. My uncle goes to put my trunk away while my father pulls me aside for a small chat. He kneels down a bit and grabs my shoulders so I'm facing him, "Are you ready sweetheart? If you ever get nervous, just write me a letter and I'll respond back as soon as I can okay? I'll miss you loads my darling" He says as he pulls me into a tight, loving hug. "I'll miss you too dad, I'll write you and Remus letters every week if I can"

The train toots its horn, signaling its time for every to board the train. My uncle returns and I pull him and my father into a bone crushing hug. "I'll miss you both so much" I say as tears start to prick my eyes

"Aww don't cry mini padfoot, don't worry and also, if any guy comes up to you, you send us a letter ASAP okay?"

"Okay thanks Uncle, I gotta go now if I want a good seat, bye guys I love you!" I say as I wave them goodbye and head onto the train


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