38. Softie ~

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Y/n's pov:
I woke up with a pounding headache so I stayed in Fred's bed for at least half the day

He went down with George to help tend to customers but would occasionally come to check on me

The time reached 7pm which was the time the twins closed the shop

The last few customers walked out as I headed down

The twins are locking up the doors and closing the curtain and cleaning a few things up

I find Fred at the cash register, sorting through the money

I creep behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, my head against his back

"Hey bub, you feeling better?" he says as he turns around, embracing me in one of his hugs

I nod as I close my eyes, getting a little tired

Fred lifts me up off the ground and carries me to his bed, laying me down and pulling the covers over me

He kisses my forehead before leaving the room quietly, leaving the door just open so some light could be seen

Not even 10 minutes later

I wake up to the sound of loud whooshes fading away which could only mean one thing

I grab my wand off the stand and rush downstairs to find the shop empty

I peep outside and see the twins and some other people trying to control the flames that had bursted through Ollivanders Wand shop

I rush over and say spell after spell to try and get rid of the flames

The flames had dismissed except for a few patches I could see on the inside

Without thinking, I run in just getting out of Fred's hand which had tried to hold me back as I check around to see if anyone was inside

After making sure everything was cleared out, I head back outside and was shoved into a chest, arms wrapping around my body pulling me in

"Don't ever do that again y/n" he says into my hair

I don't say anything but just stay in his embrace

"Merlin I don't know what I would've done if you had gotten hurt" he says pulling away from me and holds my face in his hands

"I'm okay Freddie" I say kissing his cheek as everyone had gone back to their homes and stores

Fred and I head back inside, George already back in as he closes the door after us

We spend a few more minutes cleaning up before the three of us head up to the rooms

"Night guys!" George shouts from his room

"Night Georgie!" Fred and I say in unison as I close the door, leaving it slightly open

Fred gets into bed and opens the covers, gesturing for me to slide in with him

I smile sadly as I go to sit next to him

"Fred I have to eventually go back home, Dads probably thinking you've kidnapped me and sent us both to the muggle world" I say brushing a few hairs on his head

"W-what do you mean? who will I cuddle once you're gone?" he says poking his bottom lip out

"Fred I'm sure you can survive a few days without me" I say finding this amusing

"A few days?! I can't do that" he says sitting up and shoving his head onto my shoulder

"Fred you survived 16 years without me, I'm sure a few days won't do you any harm" I say leaning my head into his

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