20. Bad days ~

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A really long changer I'm so sorry!
Y/n's pov:
It's been a few days after the whole fiasco with Katie and I in the dorm but somethings been ticking me off

Fred seems a little distant than usual and whenever I'd go to ask George, he'd shrug it off and say 'he might just be busy' which is strange because the only time Fred is busy is when he's at quidditch or his working with George and Lee

I try to take my mind off it as the girls and I walk to the train to take us to Hogsmeade

I told them about the situation and they told me to leave it for now and if it continues to happen, to confront Fred

I'm in a jewellery story with Alicia looking around when I spot the most beautiful necklace in a glass cabinet

I ask the cashier if I could have a look which they happily oblige

They take out the tray with the necklace and place it in front of me, going to tend to another customer

I take a look at the necklace, admiring its shiny orange and purple jewels that dangle on a silver chain when Alicia pops up behind me

"That's beautiful, you should get it " she says standing next to me

I look at the price tag and immediately decline

"It's too much, I wouldn't want dad to think I'm splurging all my money on a necklace" I say as I let the cashier know I'm not purchasing it

Alicia purchased a pair of earrings for her mum for christmas before we both walk out, meeting Katie and Angelina at a small cafe

I notice George, Lee and Fred sitting there and I go to sit next to George as the seats next to Fred are taken

I greet them all, receiving greetings back except for one.

Angelina notices this and speaks up, "Fred aren't you gonna say hi to your girlfriend?" she questions

He doesn't say anything but responds with a 'hm'

I feel slightly upset, but choose to ignore it

Fred offers to go buy the butter beers as we all stay

He brings back 6 butterbeers, giving one out when I realise he didn't get one for me

"Uhm Fred you forgot to get one for y/n" Lee says

"Oh sorry" he says in a dulcet tone

I put my head down before looking away as tears start to prick my eyes

"Oh you know it's fine, I um I think I'm going to head back to school, see you later" I say quickly before dashing out of the cafe and getting to the station

I sit in a compartment alone, tears rolling down my cheek as I think of all the reasons as to why Fred would act this way

I don't realise someone standing in the doorway

It's Neville, who's holding a peculiar looking plant

"Hey y/n you alright?" he asks as he takes a seat opposite me

"Not really, Freds been acting like a total dick to me for the past few days and I-, I just don't know what I did" I say looking at him

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, would you like to pet this pygmy puff I bought?" He says holding out a purple pygmy puff

"Sure, thanks Neville" I say as I wipe my tears holding the pygmy puff

Meanwhile back at the restaurant ~

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