4. First day and, New nickname? ~

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Y/n's pov:
I ended up going to bed at 1am as Katie, Angelina. Alicia and I had stayed up getting to know eachother, and I gotta say, they're pretty cool friends to have

I wake up at 7:30am, along with Katie to go have some breakfast in the great hall. It was quiet which is what I like. I gather some toast and eggs onto my plate as I start chatting with Katie

"what classes do we have today" I ask katie as I munch down on some scrambled eggs

By this time, Angelina and Alicia have already joined us, half asleep while piling food onto their plates

"Well we have Charms first with Professor Flitwick, then Herbology with Professor Sprout, then lunch, then Defence Against the Dark Arts with the new teacher, and lastly Potions with Professor Snape"
Katie explains as I finish my eggs and move into my toast

"The new teacher doesn't seem all that great to me, I heard she works for the ministry" Angelina says now wide awake

"Why would Dumbledo-"

She gets cut off as familiar voices join our table

"Helloo ladies, what are we chatting about" George says taking a seat next to Angelina while Fred takes a seat next to me, as usual placing his arm over my shoulder

"We were just talking about how the new dark arts teacher is from the ministry, like don't you think it's strange as to why a ministry worker would come teach here and why Dumbledore would allow it?"
Angelina says with a confused tone

"Honestly it is strange but what's new about our DADA teachers, one was a servant of you know who, one was a lying prat, one was a werewolf animagus, and the most recent one was a deatheater in disguise" George says with an unfazed expression

"Oh yea, my favourite would've had to be Professor Lupin, he was chill at least" Alicia says

"Oh that's my uncle, he told me about that story" I say, suddenly missing him and my dad of course

"He was your uncle?!" Fred, George, and Alicia say at the same time

"Yeah, haven't you heard of the marauders? It was a group of 4 boys who consisted of my dad, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew, they're the ones who made that map" I say as they all look at me with shocked faces

"Wow it must be cool to have a dad and uncle who were famous back in their days, fun fact actually, George and I had the marauders map before we sadly gave it to Harry, good times don't you reckon" Fred says with a longing face

"Yeah that map helped us in everything, but at least it's in good hands now" Fred says as he finished his breakfast

"So twins, what's your schedule for today" Angelina asks

"Charms, Herbology, Darks arts, then Potions" Fred says

"I thought you dropped Dark arts this year, you said it was too hard for you" Katie asks with a confused expression plastered on her face

"Yeah, last year all you did was complain, I wasn't surprised if Professor Moody kicked out of the kid class" Alicia says with a grin

"I just decided to pick it up again, you know for our OWLS" Fred says with a smug grin

"Uh huh and it wasn't because of some girl who you wanted to be with right?" George says while looking at Fred with a knowing look

"Of course not Georgie, oh will you look at the time, Charms is about to start, gotta go!" Fred says as he dashed out the doors of the great hall

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